“Synergy is actually a systemic principle that explains how a team’s collective performance is unpredictable based solely on its member’s individual performances.” (Romero, 2015) Synergy is the staple to the outcomes of a project, and the productivity of a group. Synergy seems to get forgiving if people work together on one common goal, but just as quick, if people for outgroups, and lack synergy there is a possibility that projects fail, and productivity decreases. Synergy is a reflection of common values, and how we work together to distinguish those values creating the ultimate outcome.
Last year I worked with a group of people who lacked synergy, and that is putting it nicely. There was a group of people who worked together and made a positive impact on the department however, there were three people who defined the discord in the office. In other words, they were the reason why the office lacked productivity, and togetherness.
Synergy is more than just togetherness. It’s trust and reliability. It’s honesty and common values. (Romero, 2015) But one thing was missing, and that was leadership from management. It takes a great leader to form a great team. A team does not go to the World Series if they do not have a great leader to take them there. Unfortunately, the manager for the department was all numbers, and wanted nothing to do with making the department a better work environment, or even for the sake of business needs and productivity numbers.
With the lack of motivation and synergy, the office started to have high turnover, which caused the group to become more dysfunctional and in need of a good leader. In the end, there must be a common goal, and leadership to define synergy in a group environment. People need to be on the same page age each other, and be willing to help make the common goal successful, one way or another.
Haddenham Webteam – 23rd February 2016 6:30am. (2016, February 23). Healthcare Hubs? Retrieved February 20, 2018, from http://www.haddenham.net/newsroom/healthcare-hubs.html
Romero, L. E. (2015, December 01). The Ultimate Guide To Team Synergy. Retrieved February 20, 2018, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/luisromero/2015/12/01/the-ultimate-guide-to-team-synergy/#3588f63452f5
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