Learning and change are vital to emerging business. To begin to attain successful change, first we must focus on social learning. This is important because global leadership has its setting in organizational environments, primarily. Social learning entails, individual’s learning from other in an environment of social activity. This includes learned behavior by employees, colleagues and mentors of those in leadership positions. Inherently, as human beings we look to others who have been in the positions we find ourselves in, for support and guidance. Subsequently, we learn from their experiences, behavior and how they acted as they conducted business in the same area.
Albert Bandura (1986), believed that social learning differed from other types of learning in that it allows for creativity as well as allowing a person to learn from those around him. Bandura believed that social learning actually happened through a basic four-step process:
Attention: Attention is described as the ability to focus one’s attention on the person and behavior being learned. It is important that no distractions interfere or key elements in the learning process may be missed.
Retention: Retention is important, mainly because being able to store observed behavior then recall it when one wants to produce the behavior, results in successful memorization.
Motivation: Motivation can be affected by the environment. In a business environment, this means the manner in which others conduct themselves can influence our own behavior.
Reproduction: This step mainly focuses on the reproduction of the actual physical performance involved in the behavior.
Observational and social learning is a specific process that can affect the manner in which organizations deal with and manage diversity and multicultural efforts. Learning about the history of the company you work for, its mission and vision is the first step to being successful within that organization. Secondly, it is important that employees educate themselves on the subject matter and endemic they are working in. In order to effectively conduct business internally and externally, the employee must know what he/she is talking about. Lastly, learning more about your clients and partners will help guide your strategies for success, in the right direction.
In terms of change in the workplace, it is imperative that employees of all levels are aware of the ever-changing global environment that effects the business they are in. This means identifying areas of the department, and organization, where change has impacted the business. In order to remain current the organization must continuously change with the trends and requirements of the time. Forbes Magazine (2018), published an article called, “Why We Need To Rethink Organizational Change Mangaement” written by Carsten Tams in which the importance of change management is reviewed. Tams, explains that,
“Organizational change management is a process that requires detailed planning, clear goals, open communication and constant attention paid to feedback from workers. Furthermore, if change can be incentivized, managers may find workers more willing to alter their existing routines. Communication may work in many cases, but in others it may perhaps benefit managers to design a system of rewards for workers who undergo change. If change can be seen as a desired process rather than a disruption in routine, the entire transition period may proceed more smoothly than it would otherwise.”
In order to make effective changes that are congruent with emerging business trends and requirements, the company should create an effective change strategy. It is important to note that successful change management and related initiatives be implemented from the very top. This means that the CEO of the company has vetted the plan and is invested completely in all efforts. Following his/her direction, all employees participating in any aspect of the change management plan must have a clear understanding of the strategy vision, its specific targeted goals and completion dates. Understanding the importance their role plays in all efforts is vital. When employees understand that their efforts will influence the change, they are more likely to participate. Lastly, leaders need to ensure to reinforce the change continuously and measure outcomes. This will involve monitor performance outcome, output inputs and overall success.
You will see that learning and change are in fact effective tools for success which help to achieve company goals and allow the company to remain current with endemic and industry trends.
Moran, Robert, Abramson, Neil, & Moran, Sarah. (2014). Managing Cultural Differences. Oxford: Routledge.
Tams, C. Forbes Magazine. (2018). Leadership. Why We Need To Rethink Change Management. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carstentams/2018/01/26/why-we-need-to-rethink-organizational-change-management/#6b776f29e93c
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