Greetings to my fellow class mates
I’m Debra Kurtz and go by Deb and work in the Human Resources field.
- Where are you located geographically?
I live in Lititz, PA, a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania, a few years ago we were named the coolest small town in America!!
- Where are you in your life professionally?
I’m currently employed as an HR Partner for a manufacturing company that makes agriculture equipment. I have worked in the Human Resources field for over 15 years now
- What are your long-term goals?
I’m currently going into my 7th semester and hope to graduate in the spring with a BS in Labor Relations and Organizational Leadership! I have been enjoying my classes in LER and OLEAD and have been able to use my work experiences in class work as well as using theory and concepts in my daily work life. I am taking this course as a requirement for my LER degree. I do think this will be a very interesting course, as I think our history of work evolution has had a huge influence on how that evolution evolved. I do want to pursue my Masters. Eventually, I want to work in a senior leadership role and then perhaps move into a mediator or arbitrator role.
- Do you have a favorite leadership quote? If so, provide a brief comment about why this quote has special meaning for you.
Maya Angelou
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
As a leader, these are very powerful words, and can define how your followers feel about you as a leader. Leaders who inspire motivate, encourage and empower are far likely to have the support, trust and respect from their followers then leaders who dictate, criticize and are less supportive. Leaders who have helped me and inspire are the leaders who I learn form and have taken those teaching and incorporated them in my life. Leaders who have been uninspiring in my life, I no longer remember what they did for me.
- Optional: interesting tidbits:
I have a son who just graduated this past spring from PITT and is back at home waiting to pursue his Masters.
I enjoy being outdoors, hiking trails or being on the lake, bay or ocean. I enjoy all type of music and have attended many concerts in my lifetime. I enjoy traveling and exploring our National Parks, such as Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Arcadia, Mt Hood, Hawaii Volcano, Great Smokey Mts, Rocky Mountains and Zion to name a few.
I have been a lifelong Philadelphia Sports fan, and have season tickets to the Eagles. I got to see the Eagles play this past year in the NFC Championship game, sending them to the Super Bowl, it was one of the most electrifying games I have attended! It was been an exciting year for Philly sorts teams Eagles winning the Super Bowl, Flyers and Sixers in the playoffs and hoping the Phillies can make a run…we also support the Union soccer Team!
Do not be intimidated by online courses, I found them very rewarding. There are so many resources that one benefits being an online student. The discussions are a great platform to gain knowledge as well as all the other resources (forums, tutoring, Skype) that Penn State offers, utilize them!
I knew self-discipline was needed to do online classes, you will start to develop your own discipline, and find your niche on how to study, where and when. It is something that you can get guidance on, but you need to find your own niche.
I work fulltime, and take several courses a semester, I have given up a lot to pursue this goal. But I do have support from family and even my job. I do find time to balance my life, but it is hard, and you need to have self-discipline to achieve this goal, but it is doable if you have a positive mindset to achieve your personal goal. I am an adult learner and found this very rewarding!
Looking forward to this course and getting to know and working with many of you during this semester! Best of luck to all!
Deb Kurtz
Fly Eagles Fly
It is great to get to know a bit about you Deb. Your photo reminds me of an interesting tidbit. The head of HR for the Eagles actually is a Penn State alum. Welcome to the class and I look forward to working with you.