Remember when Facebook first started and it was the hub for all the cool kids. It was a network of colleges and students that connected people and made making friends easier, by narrowing down by interests, age, and majors. Think of the place in your life you were when you first joined Facebook. Whether it was your clothing style, you hair style or your income, most parts of who you would grow to be were still being developed. Fast forward to today. Some of us have graduated college, but are still on Facebook. Why hasn’t that part of our lives been been elevated too? What are your needs for career growth and interaction? Less about finding where cool parties are and more about earning potential and i’m sure more about finding your passion and aligning with like minded individuals that share your business acumen. The intersection of this transition is one that either many don’t realize or simply don’t talk about, but it’s at the point where you realize your synergy is no longer syncing and you look for ways to reinvent yourself. Sometimes business relationships evolve and what once was working, no longer works. You find yourself exploring the possibility of something different because you aren’t stimulated and the union no longer has the energy that once attracted you. So what now? If you have a healthy level of self awareness, you’ll start to look for opportunities that make you feel the energy that you crave. Enter: The social atmosphere of LINKEDIN! A community of professionals and people who only want to feed you flame. An entire network of people who simply want to network in the way that is mutually beneficial. Once I essentially graduated from the friendly buddy platform of Facebook and ventured to the space of Linkedin, it’s like I didn’t know what I was missing. How much time had I wasted being in the “friend-zone” of my relationships and expecting less of myself and those who I interacted with. It takes a great deal of courage to say that something no longer serves you. And to put yourself out there as a force that craves the energy and attention of others as an investment in yourself.
Montenegrin Journal of Economics says: “Every individual has unique knowledge, i.e. the experiences and values of every individual are unique to each individual. This in turn forms different types of knowledge which can be applied within the organisation for certain purposes. When analysing the knowledge held by the staff of an organisation, terms such as competence, qualification and educational background are usually used. Unfortunately, these terms cannot express the full content of knowledge, which is why Bivainis and Morkvėnas (2008) suggest a broader term. The term ‘knowledge potential’ includes both explicit (e.g. educational background, culture) and tacit knowledge (e.g. skills, competences, experiences) that can be used in analysing synergy processes. Morkvėnas (2010) describes the structure of knowledge potential, distinguishing blocks of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge as well as synergy formation as the result of the combination of these two types of knowledge.”
It’s energizing seeing how people force is a kinetic power that makes you feel like your entire worth is destined for more. I am sure all of this sounds like an ad for Linkedin, and so what if it does. The point is whether or not we could use something to invigorate us to work to our actual potential and using our networks to do that. Especially if we’ve spent years crafting these friendships, through good times and bad. The least we can do for a friend is endorse their skills.
Skačkauskienė, I., Kazlauskienė, E., & Katinienė, A. (2017). Modelling knowledge synergy evaluation. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 13(1), 35-47. doi:10.14254/1800-5845/2017.13-1.2
Your post was a really fun read. you did a nice job of pulling me in with your analogy about Facebook and then applying it to the need to potentially reevaluate and adjust thing sin your life to maintain synergy. It was a motivating post that focused on channeling your own individualism to make sure what you have going on in your life and/or career is a reflection of you and provided optimal synergy. Was really helpful too!
I really enjoyed your post. In fact I can relate to a lot of what you wrote about. There is a fundamental difference between Facebook and linked and once you reach a professional platform it is in the best interest of any professional to utilize linked. To your point, synergy is created by the benefit shared by each individual and all individuals and the whole of LinkedIn itself. It creates a place of joint interest and mutual networking opportunities. This is a perfect example of a high synergy environment.