As businesses expanse, the world is becoming more interdependent on one another, it then becomes a bit difficult for an industry to isolate itself, from global influence. Firms must change their look to seek new opportunities to leverage itself in the current global market. The face of many organizations today is entirely different than they used to look years ago, now many firms can be recognized as diverse and multicultural. Being multicultural is not just a person’s physical appearance or the beauty of their multi-layered ethical background, it is multiple, purposeful perspective. Meaning, the organizations’ new view allows them to maneuver through various ideas, customs, values, and techniques. It is also, a sense of attachment to multiple cultures and a multidimensional way of thinking. Every day, the organization is exposed to fresh opportunities of learning, everyone contributing via a unique perception of their own cultural frame of reference. As a result, a diverse organization can influence how they view the world and make a positive impact on those whom they do business.
“That is why diverse organizations are often the most creative; they take advantage of the differing perspectives within the organization to generate,” (Pennsylvania State University, 2018), answers to complicated problems, whose solutions are distinctive and beneficial. Those firms who are less culturally divergent, may only generate a singular viewpoint, and be endanger of not finding the creative solution that is needed. Proving how important cultural synergy is to any organization, domestic or abroad. “Cultural synergy is about using the diverse perspectives of various cultures to create something that is greater than each individual culture,” (Pennsylvania State University, 2018). When applying this idea to our domestic surroundings, synergy provides an outlet which highlights the capacities of each employee and blends them to benefit the organization.
With this particular type of cultural synergy, business demonstrates their new face, which is exciting, yet to understand this new look can be somewhat tricky. Because as mentioned before, it not just about the ethnic diversity of the team, it is the positive, yet methodical chemistry which allows the “right” group of people to come together to supersede in complicated tasks collectively. Synergy explains the systemic principle of the groups’ collective performance, while at times it may be unpredictable, “the combination of common interests, common values, and complementary talents defines the potential for teams,” (Romero, 2015). Businesses are reconfiguring themselves to establish new organizational cultures. Employees are empowered to create unique team cultures to problem solve, as each groups experience will be different, the “coordination and integration of team effort with other units’ ad the whole enterprise are essential if the sum is to be greater than its parts,” (Moran et al. 2011, p.270). Without the harmonious effects of team synergy, it can cause basic human discrepancy and personal priorities. Resulting in individuals who are not attentive to the holistic process and which may lead to a lack of responsibility or accountability and the blaming of others, (SSG, 2014). “This occurred not because they lacked the skill, but because off-field issues (for example a toxic personality) prevented the two from truly knowing each other’s capabilities, and therefore no synergy was created,” (Pennsylvania State University, 2018). Enlisting congruent individuals who share commonalities, will allow them to understand their roles within the business and further the efforts of the organization as a whole. Similar to many human connections, synergy is a continuous activity, which requires management and cultivation. “It’s not a destination that you arrive to and just halts, it’s a never-ending journey that you and your team as the crew of a ship, embark upon together and must constantly row and work to reach the destination,” (SSG, 2014).
Moran, R.T., Abramson, N.R. & Moran, S. V. (2011). Managing cultural differences. (9th Ed.). London & New York. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group.
Pennsylvania State University. (2018). Leadership in Global Context—OLEAD 410. Lesson 6 Cultural Synergy Discussion. Penn State World Campus, The Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved from:
Romero, L.E. (2015, December 1). The ultimate guide to team synergy. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from:
SSG Admin. (2014, February, 15). Fundamentals in creating synergy at the workplace. Stepping Stone Global Co. W.L.L. Retrieved from: creating-synergy-at-workplace/
This is a great blog post, Ana. I like your comment and quote, “it not just about the ethnic diversity of the team, it is the positive, yet methodical chemistry which allows the “right” group of people to come together to supersede in complicated tasks collectively. Synergy explains the systemic principle of the groups’ collective performance, while at times it may be unpredictable, “the combination of common interests, common values, and complementary talents defines the potential for teams,” It really is important that the right team is assembled for success. I was really inspired by the story in our text about explorer Ernest Shackleton who is credited as one of the “greatest leaders ever.” He knew that his success in exploring Antarctica was dependent on assembling a reliable team. A good team actually meant survival to Ernest Shackleton but we can learn important leadership lessons from him and apply them to our lives.