When reading over the last few lessons, we’ve been reading a lot about Europe, both western and eastern, and I can’t help but to think about Brexit and how it will effect workers across all of Europe.
Brexit is short for “British exit.” It’s the word being used to describe the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the EU (European Union). A referendum was held in June of 2016 and voters were asked if the UK should leave or remain within the European Union and they vote came back 52% to 48% with the leave vote being the highest.
Brexit has potential for what it actually happens, and already has created an impact for HR professionals for organizations in the UK and Europe, especially from a recruiting standpoint.
According to LinkedIn survey, 96% of HR managers and recruiters have had to shift strategies for gaining talent. Immediately the UK becomes a less attractive place for EU citizens to work because of whatever implications may arise once Brexit happens. This leads to smaller pools of talent to choose from and an uncertain future for the talent that may be interested from the EU.
In situations like this for HR leaders in the UK, it’s important to stay transparent and updated with what is going on in the government. It’s important for for them to share that they may not know what’s coming next but to come up with plans for what may arise.
Many people may not know what’s next when it comes to Brexit. The deadline has been extended twice with the UK government not knowing themselves what’s next. With fear across the country from workers, strong leaders in the workplace is what can keep their businesses successful in the meantime.
Uhereczky, A. (2019). What Can Employers Do To Reassure Anxious Employees About Brexit. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/agnesuhereczky/2019/02/01/what-can-employers-do-to-reassure-employees-about-brexit/#3c25ee236e1e
Chiu, B. (2019). Is Brexit Good Or Bad News For Workplace Diversity And Inclusion. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/bonniechiu/2019/01/30/is-brexit-good-or-bad-news-for-workplace-diversity-and-inclusion/#28fff0339526
amo33 says
I really enjoyed reading your post, as I currently work in HR and found it very interesting to read about in terms of the Brexit. What essentially is going to happen is that HR is going to play a key role in how an organization bounces back from a Brexit. HR is a lot more than just employee relations and solving issues like such, but it is also about ensuring the employees for companies are happy and feel that they are supported. It is important for HR to help businesses create a positive mindset and take advantage of the opportunities that will arise from this movement. It is going to also be more about long term success and goals, rather than just short term fears. HR has a crucial role to play in helping leaders and employees get excited and determined to tackle the issues at hand and also implementing new strategies to maintain continuous satisfaction and success.
Great post!