Being at a company for a long time most likely means you have grown in many ways and learned a lot. It is easy to get into the same rhythm everyday and you most likely enjoy the schedule you have. It is hard to always understand changes around you and bouncing into a new type or routine. This is how I feel in my current position with an organization that I am happy to be apart of. Recently however, there has been a lot of organizational change. Keeping up with the technology growing, we had to change a lot of the ways we do things. Management came together and decided to not only implement these changes, but do that in a short amount of time.
This change was hard for me at first. I thought about all the different objectives we have to meet now and how will these changes affect me. After years of experience and having this same schedule, this change did not feel positive to me at first. Since management did not motivate us to want these changes to happen, I thought about ways I could personally adapt.
One way of feeling confident in this change can be unfreezing by creating the motivation to change (PSU, Module 5, 2019). Creating a motivation behind the change can help you to change your behavior, get a new outlook, and feel driven towards the change. After this, I was able to create a reasoning for my behavior to change and then actually accept these changes. As I continued to learn the different changes, I made sure to stick in the new behavior I worked on and found at the end, I was able to adapt easier to these organizational changes. From there I could work more efficiently, and could even help others adapt to the new changes.
Pennsylvania State University (2019). Leadership and Global Context: OLEAD 410. Online course lesson, Penn State World Campus, The Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved October 7, 2019 from
Hello Chanine,
I think you did a great job with this Blog. It is always nice to hear others’ personal stories. When it comes to change that is something that could affect us positively or negatively. I say this because sometimes we are not easily able to adapt which could cause a negative outcome, for example, the loss of your job. What I was curious about in your blog was the way your management went about introducing the new changes to you and your co-workers. As I learned in another course when management takes their time to implement change or even explain what’s to come, that makes the transition a little easier for the employees. Do you think if your management gave you guys a heads up beforehand the transition would have gone smoothly?
Thanks for sharing,