It is important to note that anyone who might have business in Russia should be prepared to deal with a different type of business partner.
“From a business perspective, Russia represents a tremendous universal trust, horizontal as well as vertical, with conscripted labor, conscripted clerical and technical personnel. Nobody has the right strike, to move, or even resign without the permission of his superiors.” (Boublikoff, 1935, p.269) This is a passage from a journal article in 1935 about doing business with Russia. While things have obviously modernized and progressed over the last 86 years, the countries Communist roots from 1918 on are more than just a political party but also representative of their ideas and beliefs. “Culture in a way is a culmination of the personalities within the society.” (Pennsylvania State University, 2021) Russian people has a different social infrastructure than Americans are used too. Understanding this dynamic and being sensitive to their way of life will be important to building a successful relationship.
The work week in Russia is set at Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and retail stores open 8am- 9pm Monday-Saturday. (Abramson & Moran, 2018, p 556) Additionally, it is expected that foreigners show up on time for meetings, while Russian counterparts may be tardy or not show up at all stemming from conditioning in the previous communist party. (Abramson & Moran, 2018, p 556) This means that business meetings are not conducted in equal terms. A foreigner expecting to do business in with a Russian organization will need to have a firm understanding of the differences involved here. If an organization were to acquire an entity with in Russia, you can image any sort of organizational changes would need to have some serious strategizing and time invested if gains were going to be made.
There are several things to consider before approaching a business venture involving either a partnership or a division within your organization in Russia. Ideals and beliefs are different with means work performance and expectations are different. I have said this before and I will say it again, not all stereotypes will reflect your individual experiences, but in an instance such as this, it is highly recommended that you do your research and have contingency plans in place incase there are any misunderstanding so you can be fluid in connecting the dots and achieving your goals.
Abramson, N., Moran, R., (2018). Managing Cultural Differences. 10th edition. Routledge. New York, NY. P. 556