Blog Entry #4
Corruption inside a government can be observed in any form of government in almost any country. Though some scandals are more suppressed and or popularized by the media than others, some take the world stage as the world watches the traitor go to trial. Why is it that those who have the means want more? One would think world leaders and high ranking executives would have a more civic and moral duty to those less fortunate and do right by them. Many questions arise as we watch corruption unfold. On another note, some officials and executives are known to engage in rotten business practices yet people know about it but nothing is done. A highly perceived corrupted country, Brazil is ranked high on the corruption scale.
Brazil is known for many great things and unfortunately, corruption is one of them. This beautiful country joined democracy not too long ago. According to, “military regime ruled the country from 1822 to 1985. In 1985, it became democratic…Only slightly smaller in size than the United States, it is the largest country in South America” (Amadeo, 2019). As a young democracy, many have seized the opportunity to fool the young country into electing corrupted officials. As an emerging and upcoming new democratic country that is thriving it has lost some momentum to take care of internal political issues like that of scandals among environmental and humanitarian concerns.
A BBC article paints a grim timeline of what exactly has happened to the country of Brazil and the scandals it has encountered. In an operation named Car Wash the operation aimed at uncovering a scandal under investigation but it has found more. The article further says,
The operation began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that executives at the state oil company Petrobras had accepted bribes from construction firms…Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – the country’s extremely popular former president was found guilty…The attorney general has charged current President Michel Temer as well…there are the separate allegations which saw his predecessor Dilma Rousseff also involved in misappropriation of funds and were later impeached (Brazil Corrution, 2018)
The country of Brazil has faced much hardship, these being one of the hardest since it involved one of its beloved presidents, Lula. Those severely affected are the ones who do not have a voice; the poor and unrepresented. In an intense battle to rid the country of corrupt politicians, the country is still moving forward. Though the country has seen growth the question of what it could have been like for the people had Brazilian politicians had the people in mind. As mentioned before the civic and moral duty of those entrusted of running a country has left many wondering who else in government has a hidden agenda.
To tie the readings of the class the word leadership is important, and missing, in this scenario. The presumed leaders have left a sour taste in the mouths f many. Leaders need to be trusted, especially when it involves the livelihood and future opportunities of its citizens. For the Brazilian people to trust those leading the country it will take much more than promises.
Amadeo, K. (2019, July 4). How to Ruin an Emerging Market Success Story. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from
Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know. (2018, April 8). Retrieved April 21, 2020, from