Business today has expanded far beyond the days of your grandfather’s local small engine repair and the local general store. When we look at just what money can buy, we find a long list of associated countries around the world that provide these wares and goods. Someone has to market these wares and someone else has to broker them. This is where the business world comes in.
South America has become quite the exotic export location in the past few decades. Import and export of these goods requires business deals which are brokered through the deals of businessmen from both countries. South America has such a wide diverse culture that one must prepare for his or her travel to the region for these deals. Brazil has the largest area and population with the primary language is Portuguese, however, Peru, the third largest country, actually has three official languages. (Agency, n.d.) Having some familiarity with the language helps tremendously in communications with your soon to be partners.
Understanding the differences in their business dealings and general cultural traits work hand in hand as well. In an article by Linda Ray, of the Demand Media, discusses how businessmen in South America differ from North Americans. She states how businessmen will greet an associate with a kiss on both cheeks rather than a handshake. (Ray, 2015) To many this seems awkward at best, but imagine your first time in Brazil, your potential buyer for your product approaches you and you push him away. You just offended him and possibly lost his business! Another fact from Ray is the ties of partnership that make a business deal work. Judgment based deals are all about family ties or a closer relationship to the businessman than your connection in the States. If you have family ties this is a huge asset. If you have someone who can directly refer you to your future business associate then you will most likely have much fast and better dealing with them, Honesty and trust is very important to people in general in South American Countries and this is what they bring to the table during business deals.
Think of dealing with a man as important as Cesar Chavez. Without proper communications skills, you may as well be walking in the park and conversing with the trees. Gary Wederspahn spoke of communicating with cultural differences in his Webpage “Professional Knowledge Center” where he outlines the need for communications skills in the modern world of communications when he states” Communications between peoples of a different cultural backgrounds involves much more than overcoming the language barrier.(Wederspahn, 2005) Wederspahn goes on to talk about the message context and placing focus on the details of the relationship rather than the facts and figures of the business deal, these will be what helps you seal a deal or what.
So to prepare for a business trip in South America, we see that much more preparation is needed than simply packing a bag or two and grabbing the file folder for a presentation. When we understand what drives our business associates and we learn to play into those emotions, become that partner that is a trusted friend and almost a family member, this is what will bring your business deal to fruition.
Agency, C. I. (n.d.). The world factbook. Retrieved from
Ray, L. (2015). Examples of Cultural Differences in Business. Retrieved from Chron:
Wederspahn, G. M. (2005). Cross-Cultural Communication Between Latin American and U.S. Managers. Retrieved from Professional Knowledge Center: