Trust and Friendship
It is always good to know what other cultures value. I decided to focus this blog on how friendship is built in Africa way before a business relationship comes about. I was surprised to learn that “with Africans, after family, friendship comes next in importance. Often, a friendship continues after specific business activities end. (Moran, Abramson & Moran, 2014 p. 512). The reason I was surprised, was that I often heard people say “you should never do business with friends”. Now that I am older, and the relationships that I have with my friends have blossomed, I considered them more like family than I do friends.
In Africa “people generally assume that everyone is a friend until proven otherwise” (Moran, Abramson & Moran, 2014 p. 512). Comparing Africa to the United States we are the total opposite, no one is a friend until they show you they are loyal. I have never been to Africa but, all these years I had the wrong impression of them. I thought most of them were arrogant and thought that they were better than everyone else. I have interacted with African people and not all, but most of them seem like they have little to no patience. Plus, I never saw them smile. “When smiles are not seen, it is a clear sign of distrust” (Moran, Abramson & Moran, 2014 p. 512). Do they not trust me or they are too Americanized?
Could you imagine going to a business meeting and the first thing you discuss is your family, current events, or sports? Well, that is what takes place right before a business meeting in Africa. As I mentioned above, friendship is important so they want the person they are doing business with to feel comfortable, to trust them and to have confidence in their relationship. I once heard the saying, “blood makes you family but loyalty makes you related”. By building a friendship with their future business partners Africans are building on that loyalty.
In conclusion, what if we stopped listening to the people saying “never do business with friends”? Do you think it would be moresuccessful organizations or more damaged relationships? Africa may have changed my way of thinking with it comes to doing business, building a friendship will most likely get you more friends which could mean more business and in the long run new family members.
Moran, R.T., Abramson, N. R. & Moran, S.V. (2014). Managing Cultural Differences. Ninth Edition. Abingdon: Routledge.