Diversity: A Tiny Crack on the Glass Ceiling
Can we crack the glass ceiling? Is there any hope for our future generation of women?
Diversity is really about all of the differences, it is so important that we include in our lives and workplaces the many different perspectives of the various groups of people. According to Moran et al. (171), diversity exists in different forms, of culture, age, gender, racio-ethnicty, nationality, personality, values, and attitudes. I will focus on the issues surrounding gender in the legal field.
The American Bar Association recently released a publication on January 2018 titled “A current glance at Women in the Law” which is very informative. We can easily see the gap in salaries among men women lawyers. In the legal profession, men hold 65% of the seats while women hold only 35%. The General Counsels of the top Fortune 500 companies are 73.6% male and only 26.5% women. We can probably go on and on and the list will be immensely long.
We have a problem, what are we going to do about it?
There are several organizations that are trying to make waves to create and incorporate awareness and changes. For example, The Minority Corporate Counsel Association – Advancing diversity, inclusion and Equity, released a survey about minorities in the law profession and (MCCA’s 18th Annual General Counsel survey of Breaking through the Concrete Ceiling, One Woman at a Time) while they document the progress that has been made since 1999, there is still a huge gap especially for minority women.
In Stepanie Chung’s in Inc.com, “Breaking the Glass Ceiling as a Female Entrepreneur” she suggests that we become bolder, network with other women, show passion for our work, try to promote ourselves and cultivate a variety of mentors. We must continue to move forward, continue to prepare and educate ourselves so that we can break the glass ceiling and pave a better furture for our daughters and granddaughters.
Works Cited:
Breaking the glass on the ceiling [Image] retrieved from Flickr.com (Sept 8, 2018)
Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., & Moran, S. V. (2014). Managing Cultural Differences (9th ed.). Oxford: Routledge.
Chung, Stephanie, “Breaking the Glass Ceiling as a female entrepreneur”, Inc.com, Retrieved from: https://www.inc.com/stephanie-chung/breaking-the-glass-ceiling-as-a-female-entrepreur.html
“MCCA’s 28th Annual General Survey of “Breaking through the Concrete Ceiling, One Woman at a time”, Diversity & the Bar, Retrieved from: https://DiversityandtheBardigital.com (Sept 8, 2018)
United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey”, Retried from: https://bls.gove/cps/cpsaat39.htm (Sept 8, 2018)
A glance at Women in The Law, The American Bar Association, Retrieved from: https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/women/a-current-glance-at-women-in-the-law-jan-2018.authcheckdam.pdf (Sept 8, 2018)