The global crisis in Venezuela is on that has been at the forefront of every news headline today. I spent a lot of time on this topic because Venezuela is the country that I chose to focus on for my Global Leadership Paper. There was so much to address and learn about that I could have written and entire book rather than just a term paper on this topic and the current leadership crisis in Venezuela right now.
While doing my research on Venezuela and the current debate over leadership within this country I was most intrigued by the effected that other nations had on Venezuela and how much Venezuela had the potential to seriously affect other countries as well. The only way that I could describe the current issue in Venezuela was by comparing it to a game of chess. The way I interpreted it was the Earth is like one giant chess board with each country occupying their own square. Of the 195 squares on this worlds chessboard there are few that expand their reach over others; collecting territories to establish supremacy over other international super powers. The United States and Russia have long been the leading powers in this game of chess, but with emergence of China becoming the second largest economy in the world, now all three nations are trying to find their way to “checkmate” the others and achieve world dominance. The current square these three players are maneuvering to control is Venezuela. They are strategically manipulating two pawns, Juan Guaidó and Nicolás Maduro, in order to win control and exploit all that Venezuela has to offer them.
China and Russia are using Maduro while The US is using Guaidó to bend the nation of Venezuela to their will. “If Maduro is able to stay in power, it will benefit those that believe that the state should have the final say, no matter what citizens want—like Cuba, Russia and China, If Maduro is forced out, it will help those countries that believe that final political authority should rest with citizens, like most of Latin America, Canada and the US.” (Guy, CNN, 2019). The way they are directly communicating with Venezuela as well as their actions are indirectly communicating different messages to the world is outstanding in the worst way possible. If it weren’t for this course and learning about how important communication is in relation to a change in leadership than I think a lot of the aspects of the maneuvers these world powers are making in the ‘game of chess’ would be lost on me. (Restrepo, AFPS, 2018)
Guy, J., & CNN. (2019, January 29). Why China, Russia and Turkey are standing with Maduro—in the US’s backyard. Retrieved from
Restrepo, D., & Center For American Progress. (2018, October 16). Venezuela In Crisis: A way forward. Retrieved from