The need for global leaders is important to all organizations, especially for those organizations that are expanding to other countries. They expand to other countries to stay competitive, investing and increasing the amount of business (Moran, Abramson, & Moran, 2014). Global leadership allows organizations to reach outside of their typical markets to provide services or goods to a new market. Those organizations that are more culturally diverse are able to resolve any difficulties and improve effectiveness when dealing with other countries and their cultures (Penn State University, 2019).
In an article written by Fatima Mansoor, she discusses the need for organizations to have business leaders that can manage other cultural needs in order to help continue to grow and keep the organization competitive. While organizations understand the need to stay competitive and expand to new markets most organizations find that they do not have leadership program that helps to develop their leaders to handle transitions (Mansoor, 2017). A global leader needs to not only be able to resolve and handle complex business issues, but they also need to be able to navigate cultural differences (Mansoor, 2017). These cultural differences can be language, behaviors, and practices, even beliefs.
More and more organizations are finding that global leadership is or has become a serious constraint to them (Folkman, 2014). As organizations grow and increase their services and products overseas they find that their programs or lack there of are not strong enough to develop their leaders to prepare them for the differences (Folkman, 2014). Developing stronger leadership programs and starting them earlier within organizations, will help to shape and grow leaders. Arming leaders sooner rather than later can ensure that when an organization is ready to transition overseas, they are comfortable and able to transition with the company. Organizations that build on a diverse cultural and provide/develop programs for their leaders to grow, will ensure that their leaders can distinguish different cultures and perspectives (Mansoor, 2017).
Organizations must begin to utilize new and innovative ways to teach their leaders to become strong global leaders in order to stay competitive, trade more effectively, and increase their bottom line (Moran, Abramson, & Moran, 2014). The need to develop global leaders will continue to grow in the future and organizations will continue to need to develop ways to teach their leaders as they expand overseas to navigate multinational operations (Mansoor, 2017). They must learn to meet their goals within the cultural differences and close the barriers appropriately.
Works Cited
Folkman, J. (2014, June 14). The Urgent Need to Develop Global Leaders For Compnay Growth. Retrieved September 21, 2019, from Forbes:
Mansoor, F. (2017, October 17). The Importance of Developing Global Leaders For Company Growth. Retrieved Septemeber 21, 2019, from Aepiphanni:
Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., & Moran, S. V. (2014). Managing Cultural Differences. New York: Routledge.
Penn State University. (2019, September). Lesson 1: Introduction to Leadership in a Global Context. Retrieved September 21, 2019, from