I found this concept very interesting because living on an island is very different than living mainland. My friend, Wes, was stationed in Hawaii so I found very similar concepts in the lesson and through his experiences he shared with me.
The lesson mentions how those native to an island often have very strong views about the island, their way of life, etc. and they do not want tourists/outsiders to intrude and disrupt how they live (Penn State World Campus). Wes talked very highly of Hawaii and how beautiful it was. Part of living on an island has to do with taking care of it and respecting the nature that thrives there. Oftentimes, outsiders/tourists are not as in tune with the places they visit as natives are, so they contribute to harmful practices that hurt the land and take away from it. Oftentimes on Islands, locals try to be as environmentally savvy as possible which includes reusing as much as possible, recycling, gardening, doing outdoor activities, etc.
I do not think the lesson highlights why native islanders are hesitant towards outsiders. It is not because they are territorial or close-minded–they want the beauty of their home to remain and they are passionate about taking care of and hurting the island. Many people who come in will try to deplete the island of its resources and cause harm to the environment that is a person’s home. For tourists, they don’t have to live with the long-term consequences of their actions because they leave and go back home once their trip is over. Natives are already home and they are left to live with the actions of others.
Penn State World Campus (2021). Lesson 11: Asia: Focus on Japan. Retrieved from https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2146712/modules/items/32847709.