5 thoughts on “Acrophobia: The Fear of Heights

  1. It’s interesting that the phobia could be through experiences or genetics. My mom has this fear but it never passed down to me.

  2. Hello, Grace! What a fascinating post! I thought it was interesting how this fear can be tied to humans’ need to reproduce. I have never thought about that before. I also thought you did a nice job introducing the fear, before covering the specifics of its development.

  3. That’s so cool that there are two completely different psychological explanations for why people would have such a strong fear of heights, and how we can’t fully know where survival instincts like these come from! And it’s interesting how everybody has some level of fear of heights, but some people are way more susceptible than others.

  4. Hey Grace! Very interesting post! As a clinical Acrophobic myself, I can indeed relate to the genetic component. My mom developed Acrophobia and passed it down to me. There was a time (not anymore) where I couldn’t even be four feet off the ground without getting scared. I’m interested to read your future blog posts!

  5. WOW! For starters let me share how I find it so interesting how your blogs consist of fears and phobias, what a great idea! I can honestly understand what you mean about the fear of heights, personally myself I sure don’t like tall places. I also appreciate how you were able to inform us with some much about how it comes to happen and how something can be done to help. Overall great blog!

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