6 thoughts on “Aquaphobia: The Fear of Water

  1. Interesting post! I completely understand this fear. My sixth-grade English teacher lost his father in an ocean accident. Ever since my teacher recounted this heart-wrenching story to us, I have never approached the ocean in the same way. It truly is a beast to be feared. I’m glad to know that there are some ways to combat this phobia.

  2. I guess most phobias aren’t actually fears of the things themselves, but actually a fear of the dangers that come with them. I’ve heard that the same concept applies to people with a fear of heights that they’re not afraid of being that high, but they’re afraid of falling and hitting the ground.

  3. That is so scary how a traumatic experience with water could have so many long-lasting impacts, and the idea that someone could be afraid of even small bodies of water or bathing seems so debilitating, since it’s basically impossible to avoid all water. It also makes sense that anticipatory anxiety could play a big part in people’s fear, since events like planning a trip to the beach would need so much mental preparation for someone with aquaphobia to handle.

  4. This is a phobia that hit close to home. I never knew it was actual thing, but it is crazy to believe that it is. My brother when I was wonder “HATED!” our bath water and stuff. My mother would struggle to get him in the shower, he could cry so much. Crying and screaming almost as if someone was trying to kill him. Which is when we noticed he had the phobia.

  5. Water is interesting. Though it is needed for us to live, it is simultaneously very dangerous to us! Though I’m fine with plumbing water and fresh water, the ocean scares me. Not so much the water, but the things in the water. A bit different, but I can see where this comes from. Great post!

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