The Beginning!

Hello and welcome to all the amazing Wizards/NBA fans that have taken the journey to this blog! I am so excited to share stories about the Wizards throughout this upcoming season, but first, here’s a little bit about myself:

My name is Gregory Finberg and I am currently a first-year student studying sports journalism at Penn State. I’ve been a Wizards fan my entire life, and have not missed a game in over four years. I literally live for Wizards basketball (which is saying something since we usually aren’t very good). My main goal here is to have fun writing about my favorite basketball team and interact with the amazing fans we have in DC. The writing is not going to be top-tier, nor will I have the sources that many of the great NBA writers have. However, I will bring my passion for this team and ambition to learn this craft to the table in every article I write.

As mentioned before, this blog is just a start to my journalism career,  so any and all feedback is extremely welcome! Please feel free to share any tips or advice you have, whether in the writing itself or the journalism field, for it will go a long way in improving my skills.

If you have any general questions, comments, or would just like to talk Wizards basketball, feel free to reach out to me via email ( or on Twitter (@GregFinberg).

I look forward to bringing fun and exciting content to Wizards fans all season long! Go Wiz!

6 thoughts on “The Beginning!”

    1. Thank you, Cameron! I always look forward to your Twitter comments and great insight on the team! Hope you enjoy the blog!

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