Extra Credit Post 1- Democracy Works Podcast

I listened to the 4/2/24 podcast “Democracy is the Sum of Us“. This episode was extremely enlightening on how public policy can work in immense ways to work against the current government issues. Heather McGee heavily promotes asking questions and trying to find answers to why things are the way they are. It is easy to look at the current status of America and say “This is just the way it’s always been” when that isn’t always true.

Being able to take a step back and examine the history of our country and ask uncomfortable questions is what will help us evaluate how to take the next step in our current policy proposals. For example, McGee tells the story about the public pool phenomenon in the 20th century. In the 1900s, these public spaces were accessible for the common good of the citizens and showed the “prosperity” of America because of the ability to do this. But once segregation took part in this aspect and there was a push to allow black people to have access to these public places, this “common good” took a turn. Instead of allowing access or even negotiating a deal to benefit both sides, this started an uptick in privatization in America. This was the “massive ideological shift away from collective solutions“. Without knowing this, you might’ve just assumed that America always promoted privately owned entities such as schools, libraries, parks, etcetera, 

A common theme in this podcast was highlighting that a lot of current issues in the states stem from the upper class being selfish in what belongs to them and prioritizing their needs first. This starts to negatively affect the rest of the population leaving them with little to nothing and starts to affect the quality of living within many areas of America. A quote that stuck with me in this podcast was, “People are looking for common solutions to common problems with people of different backgrounds“. I thought this was a good pour to highlight because of the wide range of all economic statuses in this country and how it can be hard to find one solution that will accommodate every citizen, but focusing on a more broad and common theme that can help create a more equal country can help help evolve our current issues. 

Not being scared to ask questions and deep dive into why certain things are the way they are in the US can jumpstart this change that many people want to see. The United States is a country deeply rooted in individualism and strong ego, this can create a lack of openness to chasing how our system works. McGee does a good job of encouraging the breakdown of what has been happening in politics through her actions. She is an incredibly education individual who isn’t scared to face the hard questions when it comes to public policy. 

This episode helped me gain even more of an understanding of public policy and all of the work and questions that go into creating a policy that works for all sides and can create fewer issues within the current government. 

Personal is Political (10)

I have learned that surrounding yourself with people who uplift you is so important. My dad always said to me “You are the average of the five people you hang out with”. When you think about it, this is very true. I have been so lucky to be surrounded by family that is loving and supports me and friends who are hardworking and good people. Having this kind of support group keeps you grounded when you might be going through some hard times.

Three people I would like to highlight in this blog are my three older sisters. Growing up with a big family, I have gotten so close to all of my siblings and you connect in a lot of different ways. My sister and I have always been close and have done so much together. We tell each other everything and call each other out when one of us might be out of line. This past year, I was the last sibling to be shipped off to college. My siblings gave me a lot of advice and told me all the tips and tricks of how to survive in college. As much as I was excited to go, I was going to miss my family and friends but knew that there was so much waiting for me at Penn State.

The first semester had its ups and downs but one constant was checking in with my sisters. They helped me navigate situations and were always there when I needed to talk. When I needed advice, they were always there to provide some insight for me. Being able to be so close with people who know support you is a great thing and I am so lucky to have that I have had that during a big shift in my life. On the other side of this, you need to be there when others are in need. Maintaining good relationships is a two-sided street and being able to show this through actions is vital.

As the first year of college is wrapping up, one of the biggest takeaways is surrounding yourself with good people. My roommates have become like sisters and I’ve met so many amazing people throughout the two semesters. It’s so crazy to look back at the first week here and not knowing anyone and the campus feeling like such a foreign place. But now, as your circle grows, the community around you becomes so familiar and a crucial part of your life.

At the end of the day, people are always looking for more human connection. It can seem nerve-wracking to meet new people and step out of your comfort zone. For me, there were a lot of rocky moments in the beginning, but learning how to adapt to this change and figure out how to make it feel easier and natural can help you start sailing smoothly. This all starts with finding those people that you connect with and enjoy being around. After that, everything becomes easier!

Civic Issue (5)

Today, my topic is going to cover the overall loss of biodiversity. It is crucial that the Earth has a prospering environment with many different species and biomes that work together to create a better planet. With the help of our own hands, this biodiversity is depleting before us. This is because our damage to the land and sea and how we use this for our own selfish reasons.

What is biodiversity loss? It is “a decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as a whole.” (Britannica). This is an umbrella term for anything and everything that contributes to the environment including animals, bacteria, and plants. As we know, all of these things are crucial to are quality of life on Earth. We need these things to survive and obtain a clean and prosperous Earth.

When using this land, we are destroying these species’s homes and practically evicting them from where they live. When these animals don’t have a habitat they lose the ability to fit into the food web and ultimately get eliminated from the biome. This problem has been occurring more and more over the years and have resulted in a spike of loss of biodiversity. From 1990 to now, “around 420 million hectares of forest have been lost through conversion to other land uses” (UNEP). Hearing this statistic is alarming and hopefully we can turn around this number in upcoming years.

Climate change has also been a big contributor to the loss of biodiversity. As the climate has been changing, these species aren’t accumulated to the change in environment of where they live and this can result in species not being able to survive in the new climate. An example of this is with coral reefs. Coral reefs are known to be very temperamental with their environment, so when ocean temperature starts to rise they can’t survive this change in environment.

A solution to this issue is to fix how we go about how we use the land. For many cases. Many areas that have prospering species have been converted to urban areas to benefit more people and the economy. This results in a plummet of biodiversity and destroyed many species’s habitats. We need to start conserving the land that has a multitude of various species and blooming biomes. This will help combat the loss of biodiversity on Earth. Making sure we priories the animals and plants around us that contribute so many positive things to out environment is the first step to create a more flourishing planet that we can continue to care for.

We are the generation that needs to start stepping in and creating solutions to these ongoing problems that are swept under the carpet. Educating ourselves on these issues can help inspire more people to get out there and take care of our planet.






Personal is Political (9)

My family has always been huge on anything and everything music. My parents who both grew up in the 70s and 80s were always very musically inclined and enjoyed being able to grow up listening to such influential music throughout the years. My mom especially embraced music and following many bands that she grew up hearing all the time. She has gone to so many concerts in her years including Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, and even The Rolling Stones. She kept all of her tickets and the little brochures they would hand out at the concerts. 

When we moved out of our old box, we went through a box of all her old concert tickets and music-related goods. When they saw how interested I was in their music past, my parents gifted me a lot of the old knick-knacks they had from when they grew up. This included a lot of records old posters and shirts. Seeing this side of her made me think about how your parents are growing up right aside of you. It’s easy to have the mindset that your parents have always been adults and weren’t out of age once. This helped me put into perspective how I see my parents and how they are going through life the same way I am. 

Putting people on a pedestal like that can create a damaging perspective of the people around you. This can even be true for celebrities that we see in this day and age. It’s easy to watch their life through social media or TV and see the glamorized version of these people who are, at the end of the day, just people. For me, during COVID and lockdown, I got stuck in a bubble where I would idolize these people that I saw through my screen and fully believe that they had perfect lives and never struggled with anything. This perspective can be harming to people who struggle to find their own identity. Putting people on pedestals can make you believe that those people are flawless and you look up to them in every way. This can result in trying to achieve a lifestyle that isn’t even attainable because it is unrealistic. 

I have seen this problem happening a lot, especially people going through their teenage years. Social media plays a big part in this issue. People tend to only post the highlights in their day-to-day lives (because who would post the bad parts?). When people see this they tend to gravitate to the fact that “that influencer’s life is so perfect and I need to be more like them”. This mindset will only harm people’s quality of life. 

Shortly, I hope that this style of social media is combatted with a more healthy and realistic solution. If we continue to paint celebrities and social media influencers in this light, people’s mental health will plummet. This perspective doesn’t apply to everyone, but there is a high majority of people who struggle with social media image and are overall influenced by what people post online. 

RCL (5)

Resource Depletion: A growing issue with a lack of growing natural resources

Our resources are running out, and this can’t go on any longer. The term “resource depletion” is daunting, so why are policy makers not being more urgent towards this problem? With the Earth’s natural resources diminishing at the amount of overconsumption that is happening today, we aren’t giving these resources time to replenish. Resource depletion creates a domino effect of more environmental issues happening including decrease in biodiversity, increase in greenhouse gases in the environment, an influx in soil erosion, deforestation, an a multitude of other environmental harms that will result in a weaker future of our environment and overall quality of living. With the lack of the correct amount of time given to replenish these resources, we are only stripping away these sources.

A solution that has been talked about is monitoring consumption cycles and regulating how and when these resources can be used. This takes control and patience because of the time it takes to allow the resources to replenish naturally. Using more renewable energy and greener energy sources can help diminish the use of coal and other fossil fuels. Having these solutions take action quickly and throughout the world will help start picking up the pieces of the harm that has been caused to our environment. In March of 2019, the Natural Resources Management Act was passed and it provides a heightened protection and management over the natural resources on federal land. This has helped look over and surveil the amount of natural resources used and how they are used. Many acts have been coming into play because of the severity of this issue if we continue on as we’ve been doing. But what can we do to stop this?

Point 1- What is a natural resource? What are the different types?

  • There are two types of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable.
  • Examples of renewable resources are things that can be replenished in a relatively short period; trees, animals, land, and others along the lines of this.
  • Non-renewable resources take a very long amount of time to replenish and take a long time to form in the first place. This includes coal, oil, metals, and other raw materials. When it comes to resource depletion, both renewable and non-renewable resources can be harmed. But, the difference is how detrimental the impacts on our environment will be if we don’t reduce the level of consumption that is currently happening today. In the name itself, “non-renewable resources”, it is hard to conserve and grow back the materials at hand.
  • An article explains the seriousness of the issue at hand through some statistics, “Resource extraction has more than tripled since 1970, including a fivefold increase in the use of non-metallic minerals and a 45 percent increase in fossil fuel use. By 2060, global material use could double to 190 billion tonnes (from 92 billion), while greenhouse gas emissions could increase by 43 percent.” (UN Environment Programme).

Point 2- Why more can be done and what that could be

  • Use more renewable energy. It replenishes itself which will diminish other resources from become unattainable
  • Introduce more sustainable mining, fishing, and lumber usage. Figuring out ways to do these acts more sustainably will cut down the amount of harm done to the environment and allow more time for these resources to replenish on their own.
  • Consume less plastics and other single-use materials.
  • Better waste management

Point 3- How to advocate for replenishing natural resources/ call to action

  • Talk more in depth of what we can do as people in our every day lives to stop resource depletion
  • How local and state governments can do more to advocate for this issue and be more conscious of the Earth’s resources.


  • Wrap up main points of Issue Brief
  • Talk about potential laws and policies that can contribute to replenishing natural resources
  • What we can do to help this cause


Personal is Political (8)

I am a big advocate for traveling whenever you get the opportunity to. It allows you to widen your look on the world and helps you create a new perspective on day-to-day life. This past summer I was able to go to Portugal with one of my friends and it was an amazing experience. Being able to see the different cultures within new places is my favorite part of traveling because it helps you grasp what it really means to be human. All of us are so different, but we connect with each other in so many profound ways.

One of my favorite parts of Portugal was the color you would see everywhere you look. Since they are known for their tile, especially Lisbon, each building is covered with beautiful colors and intricate designs within each brick and tile. The views in this country were absolutely breathtaking. Because we stayed in Lisbon for the majority of the trip, we were surrounded by beaches nearby, historic cobblestone streets, and private nooks and crannies within the streets of Lisbon. The ocean was bright blue and almost blended in with the sky. Taking in the natural beauty that the world has given to us is so vital in appreciating life.

Growing up with three older brothers who were (and still are) obsessed with anything soccer, I knew going into this trip that we were entering Ronaldo territory. It was insane to see how many people would walk the streets with his jersey on, and how many stores sold his jerseys. There had to be one on at least every street. My friend and I even got to go to a store that was completely dedicated to Ronaldo. Anything that you could imagine being sold as Ronaldo paraphernalia, was there. A three floor store solely dedicated to him. I know this will sound a bit contradictory when I say it, but on this trip I bought a Messi jersey. I got a lot of weird stares but I always liked Messi better than Ronaldo and had to stay true to that.

My friend and I got the opportunity to attended a concert that was happening right in the main square of Lisbon. This was my favorite part of the trip. We met so many people from around the world and everyone was so joyful and happy to be there. It was an experience that made me realize how much I love traveling and experience things I never would if I were to stay in the States. Meeting people from these places and talking to them always helps me connect more with the country and how much these places mean to people. There is so much of this world to experience, and I want to see as much of it as I can. And I hope you do too!

There can definitely be a lot of stress and expenses in traveling, but when you go, it almost always ends up being worth it. Expanding your horizon and opening yourself up to new experiences can never be a regret.

RCL (4)

Resource Depletion: A growing issue with a lack of growing natural resources

The term “resource depletion” sounds anything but not an issue, so why are policy makers not being more urgent towards this problem? With the Earth’s natural resources diminishing at the amount of overconsumption that is happening today, we aren’t giving these resources time to replenish. Resource depletion creates a domino effect of more environmental issues happening including decrease in biodiversity, increase in greenhouse gases in the environment, an influx in soil erosion, deforestation, an a multitude of other environmental harms that will result in a weaker future of our environment and overall quality of living. With the lack of the correct amount of time given to replenish these resources, we are only stripping away these sources.

There are two types of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable. Examples of renewable resources are things that can be replenished in a relatively short period; trees, animals, land, and others along the lines of this. Non-renewable resources take a very long amount of time to replenish and take a long time to form in the first place. This includes coal, oil, metals, and other raw materials. When it comes to resource depletion, both renewable and non-renewable resources can be harmed. But, the difference is how detrimental the impacts on our environment will be if we don’t reduce the level of consumption that is currently happening today. In the name itself, “non-renewable resources”, it is hard to conserve and grow back the materials at hand. An article explains the seriousness of the issue at hand through some statistics, “Resource extraction has more than tripled since 1970, including a fivefold increase in the use of non-metallic minerals and a 45 percent increase in fossil fuel use. By 2060, global material use could double to 190 billion tonnes (from 92 billion), while greenhouse gas emissions could increase by 43 percent.” (UN Environment Programme).

A solution that has been talked about is monitoring consumption cycles and regulating how and when these resources can be used. This takes control and patience because of the time it takes to allow the resources to replenish naturally. Using more renewable energy and greener energy sources can help diminish the use of coal and other fossil fuels. Having these solutions take action quickly and throughout the world will help start picking up the pieces of the harm that has been caused to our environment. In March of 2019, the Natural Resources Management Act was passed and it provides a heightened protection and management over the natural resources on federal land. This has helped look over and surveil the amount of natural resources used and how they are used. Many acts have been coming into play because of the severity of this issue if we continue on as we’ve been doing.


Works Cited

“We’re Gobbling up the Earth’s Resources at an Unsustainable Rate.” UNEP, www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/were-gobbling-earths-resources-unsustainable-rate. Accessed 25 Mar. 202

“Breaking down the Natural Resources Management Act and Its Impacts on States.” National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, www.ncelenviro.org/articles/breaking-down-the-natural-resources-management-act-and-its-impacts-on-states/.

“John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act.” US Forest Service, 22 Jan. 2020, www.fs.usda.gov/science-technology/fire/technology/law#:~:text=The%20law%20sets%20provisions%20for. Accessed 26 Mar. 2024.

Personal is Political (7)

Following up along the lines of education, I want to talk about SATs and ACTs and the stress they cause for high school students. Junior year of high school is typically when people’s schoolwork starts to skyrocket. With schedules filled with various AP classes and the stress of thinking about applying to colleges and getting good SAT scores. I remember my junior year feeling exactly this way. My school took their academics very seriously and there was a lot of pressure to get into good colleges and have high SAT scores. My classmates were extremely competitive which made this all the more stressful.

Starting many AP classes and preparing for SATs was starting to take a toll on me and I was feeling burnt out. Having one test determine a good amount of what kind of colleges you were going to get accepted into was a scary thought for me. When the time rolled around to take my first test, I barely slept the night before (even though this is heavily advised NOT to do). The intricate rules and formality of how the test is taken, can affect performance and make you more nervous leading up to it. Although the first SAT I took could’ve gone worse, I didn’t feel satisfied with my score or what I did to prepare leading up to it. Hearing my classmates talk about their scores only made me feel more insecure about what I got and led my downward spiral of questions like “I need to do better”, “I’m not going to get into college”, and “Everyone else is so much smarter than me”.

At such an impressionable age, having this much build to a test that “determines your future” can become toxic and can ultimately worsen high school’s motivation for school. In current years, the weight of SATs and ACTs has been taken off to an extent, which has relieved the stress of many teens. Keeping your scores optional on college applications can help implement a fairer way of reviewing applications and seeing how the candidate is overall academically instead of focusing on an SAT or ACT score.

There have been studies showing that a high school GPA is better at determining a student’s academic status and their ability to achieve at the college they are applying to. This makes sense because a GPA shows the overall grades throughout high school and the classes they took. If a person doesn’t perform to the best of their ability in a standardized test setting or is having an off day when taking the test, this can veer off the whole college application process. One bad test experience shouldn’t have this much weight on an application.

It’s important to take into account what is best for the teenagers taking these tests and create a more even-paying field that allows all students to showcase their academic skills through a stress-free and flawed system that has been proven to not be as effective as it was thought to be.

Civic Issue (4)

For this blog post, I will be exploring a topic that I might be doing for my Issue Brief. Staying on track about environmental issues, I would like to discuss resource depletion. As years have gone by, we have been overly greedy with consumption and our use of the natural resources that we have available to us because of the Earth. Whether this be overconsumption of cars, clothes, phones, et cetera. This rapid influx in production and consumption has not been able to give the Earth time to replenish these resources we have been voraciously taking. As a result, this can only lead to environmental disparities and an overall decrease in future generations. Resource depletion can be anywhere from deforestation to mining. With the lack of the correct amount of time given to replenish these resources, we are only stripping away these sources.

There are two types of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable. Examples of renewable resources are things that can be replenished in a relatively short period; trees, animals, land, and others along the lines of this. Non-renewable resources take a very long amount of time to replenish and take a long time to form in the first place. This includes coal, oil, metals, and other raw materials. When it comes to resource depletion, both renewable and non-renewable resources can be harmed. But, the difference is how detrimental the impacts on our environment will be if we don’t reduce the level of consumption that is currently happening today. In the name itself, “non-renewable resources”, it is hard to conserve and grow back the materials at hand. An article explains the seriousness of the issue at hand through some statistics, “Resource extraction has more than tripled since 1970, including a fivefold increase in the use of non-metallic minerals and a 45 percent increase in fossil fuel use. By 2060, global material use could double to 190 billion tonnes (from 92 billion), while greenhouse gas emissions could increase by 43 percent.” (UN Environment Programme).

With numbers as dramatic as these, you can only imagine the detrimental effects that have been caused to the environment. Greenhouse emissions have skyrocketed, the number of species and biodiversity has plummeted, and the demand for clean and plentiful water is going up. According to one article, “21 of Earth’s 35 major aquifers are receding due to overconsumption of water as nations around the world are forced to meet growing demand.” (Terrapass). With this trend continuing, these issues will only continue to become worse.

A solution that has been talked about is monitoring consumption cycles and regulating how and when these resources can be used. This takes control and patience because of the time it takes to allow the resources to replenish naturally. Using more renewable energy and greener energy sources can help diminish the use of coal and other fossil fuels. Having these solutions take action quickly and throughout the world will help start picking up the pieces of the harm that has been caused to our environment. These resources are necessary for the quality of life on Earth and for generations to come.

Works Cited:

“We’re Gobbling up the Earth’s Resources at an Unsustainable Rate.” UNEP, www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/were-gobbling-earths-resources-unsustainable-rate. Accessed 25 Mar. 2024

Ho, Daniel. “Overconsumption of Natural Resources: The Problems We Face.” Terrapass, 19 Aug. 2022, terrapass.com/blog/overconsumption-of-natural-resources/.

Issue Brief Brainstorming


Demonstrate the impact of the harm. Public policy usually connects to a harm. Harm for an environmental impact would be climate change, melting of glaciers, increased pollution, global warming, species becoming extinct due to loss of habitat, polluted water supply, unclean air supply.

Issue Area

Can be related to one another. Some environmental issue areas are biodiversity, deforestation, CO2 emissions, natural resources, and energy


How to locate who’s in charge of the issue. For environmental issues, many of the conflicts result to the federal level. But these problems can also be solves in local and state governments. This is because there can be different policies regarding the states or local cities.

Mandates, Inducements

Making somebody do something about an issue, in this case environmental. Making laws for plastic usage and harmful greenhouse gas usage could be mandated to reduce excessive use. For inducements, having an incentive if people carpool together. Another one could be something regarding recycling and if you recycle what you’re supposed to, you can earn credit in some form.

Causes and Evidence

Expert judgement- having scientists explain why we need to focus on the environment

Statistics and documents- Having statistics show the data of environmental issues and what has changed over the years and documents to back up this evidence and information




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