I listened to the 4/2/24 podcast “Democracy is the Sum of Us“. This episode was extremely enlightening on how public policy can work in immense ways to work against the current government issues. Heather McGee heavily promotes asking questions and trying to find answers to why things are the way they are. It is easy to look at the current status of America and say “This is just the way it’s always been” when that isn’t always true.
Being able to take a step back and examine the history of our country and ask uncomfortable questions is what will help us evaluate how to take the next step in our current policy proposals. For example, McGee tells the story about the public pool phenomenon in the 20th century. In the 1900s, these public spaces were accessible for the common good of the citizens and showed the “prosperity” of America because of the ability to do this. But once segregation took part in this aspect and there was a push to allow black people to have access to these public places, this “common good” took a turn. Instead of allowing access or even negotiating a deal to benefit both sides, this started an uptick in privatization in America. This was the “massive ideological shift away from collective solutions“. Without knowing this, you might’ve just assumed that America always promoted privately owned entities such as schools, libraries, parks, etcetera,
A common theme in this podcast was highlighting that a lot of current issues in the states stem from the upper class being selfish in what belongs to them and prioritizing their needs first. This starts to negatively affect the rest of the population leaving them with little to nothing and starts to affect the quality of living within many areas of America. A quote that stuck with me in this podcast was, “People are looking for common solutions to common problems with people of different backgrounds“. I thought this was a good pour to highlight because of the wide range of all economic statuses in this country and how it can be hard to find one solution that will accommodate every citizen, but focusing on a more broad and common theme that can help create a more equal country can help help evolve our current issues.
Not being scared to ask questions and deep dive into why certain things are the way they are in the US can jumpstart this change that many people want to see. The United States is a country deeply rooted in individualism and strong ego, this can create a lack of openness to chasing how our system works. McGee does a good job of encouraging the breakdown of what has been happening in politics through her actions. She is an incredibly education individual who isn’t scared to face the hard questions when it comes to public policy.
This episode helped me gain even more of an understanding of public policy and all of the work and questions that go into creating a policy that works for all sides and can create fewer issues within the current government.