by jxo22 | Mar 11, 2020 | news
AIDCAT-2020 Postponed It is with regret that we have decided to cancel the AIDCAT-2020 conference due to the challenges that have been brought to bear by the COVID19 virus. Uncertainties related to the evolving health and economic impact of this situation have led to...
by jxo22 | Mar 3, 2020 | news
Mechanical engineering professor chosen as ASME fellow Stephen Lynch, the Shuman Family Early Career Professor and associate professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State. IMAGE: PENN STATE Stephen Lynch, the Shuman Family Early Career Professor and associate...
by Alexandria Eicher | Mar 2, 2020 | news
Liu elected president of materials science and engineering society Zi-Kui Liu, distinguished professor of materials sciences and engineering and new president of ASM International, shakes hands with David Furrer, the immediate past president at a ceremony in fall...