Liz Hajek

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Geosciences,
The Pennsylvania State University
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Geosciences
The Pennsylvania State University
Post-doctoral Research AssociateSt. Anthony Falls Laboratory and Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Minnesota
PhD, GeologyUniversity of Wyoming2009
MS, GeologyUniversity of Wyoming2005
BA, Geology and GeographyMacalester College2002, magna cum laude
Publications *indicates Hajek advisee
S. Trampush* and E. Hajek, in press, Preserving proxy records in dynamic landscapes: Modeling and examples from the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, Geology.
J.M. Self-Trail, M.M. Robinson, T.J. Bralower, J.A. Sessa, E.A. Hajek, L.R. Kump, S.M. Trampush, D.A. Willard, L.E. Edwards, D.S. Powars, and G.A. Wandless, accepted, Shallow marine response to global climate change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Salisbury Embayment, USA, Paleoceanography.
S. Trampush*, E. Hajek, K. Straub, and E. Chamberlin*, 2017, Identifying autogenic sedimentation in fluvial-deltaic stratigraphy: Evaluating the effect of outcrop-quality data on the compensation statistic, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface.
C. Millard*, E. Hajek, and D. Edmonds, in press, Controls on crevasse-splay abundance, size, and shape: implications for floodplain basin filling, Journal of Sedimentary Research.
E. Hajek and K. Straub, in press, Autogenic sedimentation in clastic stratigraphy, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 45, 2017.
D. Edmonds, E. Hajek, N. Downton, and A. Bryk, 2016, Avulsion flow-path selection on rivers in foreland basins, Geology, v. 44, p. 695-698, doi:10.1130/G38082.1
E. Chamberlin*, E. Hajek, and S. Trampush*, 2016, Measuring scales of autogenic organization in fluvial stratigraphy: an example from the Cretaceous lower Williams Fork Formation, Colorado, USA. SEPM Special Publication 106.
E. Chamberlin* and E. Hajek, 2015, Interpreting paleo-avulsion dynamics from multi-story sand bodies, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 85, p. 82-94.
E. Hajek and D. Edmonds, 2014, Is river avulsion controlled by floodplain morphodynamics?, Geology, v. 42, p. 199-202.
E. Hajek, C. Paola, A. Petter, A. AlAbbad*, W. Kim, 2014, Amplification of shoreline response to base-level change by back-tilted subsidence, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, n. 6., p. 470-474.
R. Lynds, D. Mohrig, E. Hajek, and P. Heller, 2014, Paleoslope reconstruction in sandy suspended-load-dominant rivers, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, p. 816-824.
E. Hajek and M. Wolinsky, 2012, Simplified process modeling of river avulsion and alluvial architecture: connecting models and field data, Sedimentary Geology, v. 257-260, p. 1-30.
E. Hajek and P. Heller; 2012, Flow-depth scaling in alluvial architecture and nonmarine sequence stratigraphy: an example from the Castlegate Sandstone, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 82, n. 2, p. 121-130.
E. Hajek, P. Heller, and E. Schur*; 2012, Field test of autogenic control on alluvial stratigraphy (Ferris Formation, Maastrictian/Paleogene, Wyoming), Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 124, n. 11-12, p. 1898-1912.
Y. Wang, K. Straub, and E. Hajek, Scale dependent compensational stacking: an estimate of autogenic timescales in sedimentary basins, 2011, Geology, v. 39, p. 811-814.
E. Hajek, B. Sheets, and P. Heller; Significance of channel-belt clustering in alluvial basins, 2010, Geology, v. 38, p. 535-538.
E. Hajek, S. Huzurbazar, D. Mohrig, R. Lynds, and P. Heller, 2010, Statistical comparison of grain-size distributions in modern and ancient sandy fluvial systems, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 80, p. 184-192.
H. Jones and E. Hajek, 2007, Characterizing avulsion stratigraphy in ancient alluvial deposits, Sedimentary Geology, v. 202, p. 124-137.
R. Lynds and E. Hajek, 2006 Conceptual model for predicting mudstone distribution in sandy braided river reservoirs, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, n. 8, p. 1273-1288.
Manuscripts in progress
N. Wysocki* and E. Hajek, Experimental study of conditions promoting clay deposition on sandy riverbeds, in revision.
E. Chamberlin*, and E. Hajek, Using bar preservation to deconvolve basin and landscape controls on fluvial stratigraphy, in prep.
Other publications
L. Larsen, E. Hajek, et al., 2015, Taking the pulse of the Earth’s surface systems, Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO040525. Published on 2 December 2015.
Editor: SEPM Special Publication: Autogenic Dynamics and Self Organization in Sedimentary Systems, in press, D. Budd, E. Hajek, and S. Purkis, eds.