Penn State University PaleoEnvironmental Reconstruction and Surface Earth Dynamics (PSUPER SED) Lab Values
We use sedimentary geology, stratigraphy, and sediment-transport perspectives to understand ancient environmental conditions and surface dynamics on Earth and other planets.
We aim to conduct innovative, high-quality research that helps elucidate and quantify the complex dynamics inherent on planetary surfaces.
We follow ethical research practices including transparency and clear communication; we hold ourselves to high standards of thoroughness, documentation, and accessibility.
We believe Earth science, in all its beautiful complexity, is understandable and innately interesting when communicated from a position of empathy and care; it is our job to teach and engage from this perspective.
We apply our work to important societal issues including climate change, energy, water, and mineral resources, and landscape management; we strive to translate our research results into actionable information for decision makers.
We understand that diversity is essential for a thriving, creative, and productive research community and workforce; it is our responsibility to learn about barriers to diversity and work for structural and cultural change that will ensure true equity and inclusivity in our communities.
We stand and take action against policies, systems, or circumstances that devalue, dehumanize, or diminish people from minoritized and underrepresented groups; this includes recognizing and working to dismantle embedded systems of white supremacy.
We value environmental justice and work to understand the economic and social impacts of resource extraction, water use, and land management; we seek local and indigenous perspectives and work to highlight and amplify expertise from these groups.
We invest in our health and personal lives away from work; we celebrate small and large victories and make space for challenges and setbacks.
We embrace failure and critical feedback as essential aspects of growth, learning, and progress; we engage in difficult conversations.
Research group code of conduct and manual (in progress; continually evolving): PSUPER SED Lab Manual Document