Tag Archives: Beyond the bench

Josh Yoder, Medical Science Liaison

Dr. Josh Yoder, Medical Science Liaison: Sanofi Pasteur

Date of seminar at Penn State: 3/28/16

HGSAC career seminar series: “My Path to Becoming a Medical Science Liaison: A Journey from Academia to Biotech to Pharma”

Meet Dr. Josh Yoder. He obtained a B.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology from Penn State in 2000. His former undergraduate advisor was Dr. Craig E. Cameron.  After graduating from Penn State, Josh received a PhD. in virology from Harvard University in 2006.

Dr. Yoder has worked as a scientist with over 15 years of laboratory experience in academia and industry. In his career, he has worn many hats: he has worked as a developmental scientist at Thermalin Diabetes, LLC; he has been a Research Associate at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as a postdoctoral research fellow at Penn State University; and he specialized in virology, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, and insulin research during his time at the bench. Currently, he works as a medical science liaison at Sanofi Pasteur (pharmaceutical company).

On March 23, Dr. Yoder gave a compelling talk about his career as a medical science liaison. During his talk, he was a very outgoing and efficient communicator, which are key traits. You could tell he enjoys public speaking and communicating ideas to scientists as well as non-scientists, owing to his success as a medical science liaison.

While here, Dr. Yoder gave us some insights about his life, career, and how Penn State has impacted him. We asked him the following questions, and here are his responses–in his words:

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  1. What’s your educational background? Is there anything specific that prepared you for your current career?

BS in BMB, Penn State University, 2000

PhD in Virology, Harvard University, 2006

The PhD is useful for my career as an MSL because it indicates an ability to learn advanced topics and function independently. The science aspect of the PhD is only half of what is most valuable though. The communication skills developed through my scientific training and other activities are at least as important, and likely more important, than my scientific background. One-on-one communication, group presentations, and written communication are all critical to my job function.


  1. What are your current roles/responsibilities? How have these changed over time?

As an MSL, my top priority is building and maintaining relationships with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in my field. I currently work with a vaccine company, Sanofi Pasteur, so the science was a natural fit, but the role is completely different than anything I’ve done in the past. I had been in research labs from the time I started working with Craig Cameron in the BMB department as an undergraduate research assistant in 1999 until I started this job in April of 2015. My role had been evolving from undergrad to grad student to postdoc and finally to a development scientist in a small biotech company, but each of those were more similar to one another than any of them is to my current position.


  1. Was this career path something you had always considered?

This is definitely not a career path I have always considered. I didn’t even know it existed until about two or three years ago. The first time I got a good description of the role was from the book “The Medical Science Liaison Career Guide: How to Break Into Your First Role” by Dr. Samuel Dyer. As I was reading the opening pages, I knew it was exactly what I wanted to do. It combined all of the elements of science that I enjoyed most. I think I always kind of thought I’d end up in industry as opposed to running an academic lab, but I also kind of thought it would be in research. I never really deeply explored alternative options to research, whether they were still related to science or not.


  1. What skills have made you and others in your field successful? Were there any unexpected skills that you needed to learn?

I think the most valuable skills in my current position are interpersonal skills. You need to be able to productively interact with a large number of people with a variety of backgrounds in training (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, researchers, public health, advocacy, marketing, sales, etc.), function (some people need basic information, some have opinions to share, some need training for speaking engagements, MSL colleagues, sales colleagues, Medical Affairs colleagues, etc.), and personality (almost anything you can imagine!). I don’t think anything in particular was unexpected once you know what this job entails, but there are certainly things that not all scientists are trained for or experienced with.


  1. What’s the most challenging part of your career?

Day to day, the most challenging part is consistently scheduling time with KOLs. They are very busy people and often have schedules full months ahead of time. Our geographies are large as well (mine is Western PA, OH, MI, and WV), which means we may have to meet people in locations that are quite distant from one another on consecutive days to make it work in their schedules. This can lead to other difficulties, including a good bit of travel. This can be positive, negative, or neutral depending on the person. My territory is most conducive to driving, which I don’t mind doing, so the travel does not bother me much, although I often drive over 1,000 miles per week. It could be an issue for others who have to fly more than me or who don’t want to drive so much. This can also lead to nights away from home. I typically don’t spend more than one or two nights away from home per week, which is manageable for my family. Obviously, this is a very subjective issue as well.


  1. How do you think your career will change in both the near and distant future?

Great question and one I wish I knew the answer to! I have been in this job for about a year so I don’t anticipate a big change in the near future. I enjoy what I do and still have plenty to learn about this role and other related functions in Medical Affairs. I do hope to learn more about what our Medical Affairs department does within our home office in Swiftwater, PA, so perhaps more interaction with them will be a near term change. I’m open to almost anything in the distant future. I think it will continue to be in science, but I could imagine being in Medical Affairs, R&D, moving into the business side, or doing something I haven’t even heard of yet!


  1. What can a young scientist do to position him or herself for a career as a Medical Science Liaison? Any tips on specific ways to network in the field?

I think the best thing to do for this field, or any other field, is get out and talk to people that are doing it. It is important in any field because it gives you a chance to learn from people that are doing it every day what it is like and how they got there. There may be some similarities, but every story will be unique in some way that you can relate to. You may also find that the position is not at all what you expected as far as day to day work, lifestyle, or what qualifications you need. It’s better to learn that early in the process and adjust as necessary. For MSLs specifically, this is a very important aspect since it is more or less what you do when you have the job anyway. When I was interviewing for my position, I asked my current manager what they were looking for aside from experience since I didn’t have any. The response I got was, “This!” They wanted to make sure a candidate could have a productive conversation with someone. Regarding how to network, I don’t think it’s any different from any other field. Use LinkedIn, Google, and especially the Penn State Alumni Network. You have a huge built-in network filled with people willing to help. Use it! Even people you don’t have a connection with on LinkedIn or other sites are often willing to talk and help. If you find someone that went to Penn State, you already have a connection even if you don’t know any people in common.


  1. After Sanofi Pasteur, where would you like to work?

My passion is improving public health, which aligns well with the vision of the company of a world in which no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. I don’t know that there is a place that is a better fit for what I want to do, so I certainly don’t have current plans to work for any other company. That said, I have no idea what the future holds, and if the right opportunity came up with another company, or if I saw a good opportunity to start a company of my own, I would certainly be open to it.


  1. How easy/difficult is it to balance work and personal/family life in your career?

It has been fairly easy for me to balance work and family life throughout my career, largely because I am very lucky to have a wife that worked in labs for many years as well and has always understood crazy and sometimes unpredictable schedules. I am also fortunate that she has the ability and desire to stay at home with our three children whenever I need to be away from home for work. This job also has a great deal of flexibility that allows me to adjust my schedule to facilitate both work and family obligations. Many jobs require a great deal of hard work and dedication that could easily sway the work-life balance into an area that may not work for many people. With some focus on how to approach both the work side and life side of that balance, and perhaps acceptable compromise on one or both sides, I think anyone can achieve the balance they need. It may not be easy, but it’s vital to success in both areas.


  1. What advice do you have, about anything, for current graduate students?

Don’t go to graduate school! Oh right, you are already current students… I think you really need to keep following your interests. People that do great things often find success by solving problems that are important to them either personally or because they think it will have a positive impact on the world. If you can identify something that is interesting and important to you, it will give you the motivation to work through hard problems when they arise. Think about what you are good at as well. Everyone has things they are good at, whether we know it or not. What do your friends and family ask you for help or advice with? If you can identify your strengths and match them with your interests, there is a good chance you will find an area where you will do well. If that area doesn’t exist, create it. Don’t be afraid to try new things. If you aren’t failing at something regularly, you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough. It doesn’t have to be complete failure, but push in new directions so you can always keep learning and developing. If you try something and really don’t enjoy it, stop and go in another direction. Don’t quit at any sign of adversity, but don’t get stuck in something you don’t enjoy just because it’s there. Keep looking. If you’ve made it this far, think any of this rambling advice is useful, and still haven’t found an answer to your question, feel free to email me at jyoder@gmail.com and I’d be happy to try to help you in any way I can. Good luck in whatever each of you decides to do!


Wenhua Yu, patent agent

Graduate school is quite challenging already. As an international student, you might be faced with additional challenges in locating a job after graduation. To help navigate you through this process, the Huck Graduate Student Advisory Committee (HGSAC) invited Dr. Wenhua Yu, who graduated in 2010 with a Ph.D in Genetics, for a seminar on Jan.29, 2016. Dr.Wenhua Yu has been working as a patent agent for three years.

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Patenting is one of the hot fields STEM graduates could consider as a lifetime career. After working as a patent agent for more than 3 years, Dr. Wenhua Yu decided to take it one step further. Now she is a Juris Doctor candidate at Northwestern University. Northwestern University law school is one of the top 14 law schools (tier 1) in the United States. Last summer, Wenhua worked as a summer associate in an international law firm (Foley & Lardner LLP) and will work for the firm after graduation.

Dr. Wenhua Yu sets a good example for those who would like to pursue a career outside of academia, especially for international students. In the Q&A below, she has provided practical suggestions, such as how to make the transition into patenting and how to be successful in this field. However, if you have other questions regarding the career in patenting, please find her on LinkedIn. She is more than happy to answer questions from Penn State alumni!

Title of seminar: Career Path in Intellectual Property Law for STEM
Q&A session:

1. What’s your educational background? Is there anything specific that prepared you for your current career?
I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Pharmacology from Wuhan University in 2004. Then I graduated with my Ph.D. degree in Genetics from Penn State.

What I got from my prior education and school training that is most helpful for my current career is independent thinking, research and self-learning. Working in the patent field, I am dealing with frontier developments, new concepts and innovations in science and technology on a daily basis. The ability to self-learn is critical for me to get up to speed and work with the materials.

2. What are your current roles/responsibilities? How have these changed over time?
Currently I am in law school. But if I had stayed in the work force for the past two years, I can imagine for myself a role of preparing and prosecuting patent applications and counseling clients on their options for protecting innovation and other forms of IP. In terms of teamwork, I would presumably have a role that involves supervising paralegals, IP secretaries and younger patent agents on various prosecution matters. I would also support senior associates or partners on projects other than patent prosecution, such as litigation support, and opinion work.

Naturally, as I grow more senior, the role becomes more complicated and requires more experience. Looking forward, in my opinion, a senior lawyer’s role would likely involve some level of business development and client management. Thus, entrepreneurial skills may become important at some point.

3. Was this career path something you had always considered?
Yes. I realized that pure scientific research was probably not for me pretty soon after I enrolled in the Penn State graduate program. But at the same time, I was still interested in pharmacology and life science. Thus, the idea of switching to a totally unrelated field was not appealing at the time.

I came to know about the career path in IP law close to the end of my graduate program, and I liked it right away. To me, it seemed to be a unique combination of what I wanted to do and what I was trained for many years before. That was the key decision point, and it remains the same since then.

4. What skills have made you and others in your field successful? Were there any unexpected skills that you needed to learn?
Conducting research in a particular field by finding and studying scientific papers, technical reports and other related references as well as analytical skills and oral/writing communication skills are all important. As a person with a foreign background, one “skill” that I find myself constantly trying to improve is that of engaging in interesting casual conversations with colleagues and clients about things not related to the job, such as football.

5. What can a young scientist do to position himself or herself for a career as a patent agent or lawyer? Any tips on specific ways to network in the field?
I think the best way to network would be to reach out to people who are already in the IP field and let them know your interest about this career. These people could be those who work at the university technology transfer office, alumni who have taken this path, and those one might meet at professional conferences. For example, American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) national center and regional branches hold several conferences each year.

6. After law school, where would you like to work?
I will join the San Diego office of a general practice law firm. I picked the San Diego market because of its concentration on intellectual property law, especially biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

7. How easy/difficult is it to balance work and personal/family life in your career?
I chose to become an attorney and work in big law. Life-work balance may be hard to maintain with this particular combination. However, I don’t think there is a universal answer to this question. I know many successful attorneys who enjoy both their life and career, raise multiple children, and/or have serious hobbies. I think this question also depends on at what stage you are at in your career. For example, patent agents have significantly less billable requirement than patent attorneys.

8. What advice do you have, about anything, for current graduate students?
For young scientists who want to go down this career path, I think the most difficult phase is when he/she is making the transition from a pure scientific field into the patent field that is at the juncture of science and law. But I think the opportunity is out there.

In my opinion, taking and passing the patent bar would be a big plus for people at this stage. Not only would it show the person’s determination about this career choice but it also indicates that the person has mastered basic concepts about the law. Also, I would encourage STEM students to spend time polishing their writing skills and public speaking skills (e.g., via TA-ing or activity organizing) while in graduate school.

Spring 2016: Career and Professional Events

Hoping to learn more about careers post graduation? Interested in building your professional skills?

The Huck Graduate Student Advisory Committee (HGSAC) aims to provide students with professional development opportunities and to promote exposure to all science careers, inside and outside of academia. We are a new organization that also collaborates extensively with other student organizations. A few of our goals for this semester include implementing a peer editing website, a meeting with the CEO of a life sciences recruitment firm, and joint happy hours with other GSAs. We’d love to hear about your events and offer assistance in increasing attendance — contact PSU.HGSAC@gmail.com.

I’ve complied a few of the HGSAC’s events for this semester and those from other organizations as well. For up to date information and to check out even more career and professional development related events, go here!



Saturday, February 27, 10am-1pm or 2:30-5:30pm: “How to be your own best mentor” workshop

Dr. Carolee Bull, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Department Head

Develop your own mission statement, make self assessments, and learn how to improve on your most needed skills.



Friday, March 4, 1-2pm: HGSAC Seminar, Dr. Melissa Ho

Managing Director, Africa for Millennium Challenge Corporation

Learn about Melissa’s career history and the advice she has for graduate students, starting from her Ph.D. at Penn State in Plant Physiology to her previous post at USAID’s Bureau for Food Security as a Senior Policy Advisor.


Friday, March 4, 11am: BMMB Seminar, Dr. Kevin Lynch

Vice President, Scientific Assessment at AbbVie

Kevin leads the Business Development team at Abbvie, and as such, he is knowledgeable in topics such as venture investment, academic collaborations, licensing and acquisitions. He received his Ph.D. from Penn State in Molecular Virology… we are in similar boats as he once was!


Saturday, March 5, 9am-5pm: Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Career Day

Penn State Hershey College of Medicine

Featuring careers in Science Communication and Education, Research, Government and Regulation, Business Development and Consulting, and Science Policy. There will be food provided!

Transportation is also provided. Please RSVP here.


Friday, March 25: HGSAC Seminar, Dr. Josh Yoder

Medical Science Liaison at Sanofi Pasteur

A Medical Science Liaisons work in various capacities in the pharmaceutical, biotech, or other health care industries. They work to ensure products are used effectively, are scientific experts within the company, and can work with physicians. Learn about Josh’s journey before and after his postdoc at Penn State Hershey. His past employers include Thermalin Diabetes, I’m sure he has some advice for us!


Monday, March 28: Postdoc panel, hosted by the MCIBS GSA

Featuring postdocs, Dr. Robert McGinty (PSU), Dr. Lauren Chaby (Michigan), and Dr. Sarah Carnahan Craig (PSU)

Get advice from how to get a postdoc to how to leave a postdoc. This will be an informal event with food!



Tuesday, April 12, 1-8pm: Novel Ecosystems Research Symposium

“An afternoon with Penn State Ecologists”

A great way to learn more about ecology in a fun setting with food, drinks and a poster reception.


Friday, April 22: BMMB Seminar, Dr. Jim Hershey

Director of Pharmacology at Merck

Jim leads research activities by setting program strategy to maximize growth opportunities in drug discovery. He has a long history at Merck and I’m sure is knowledgeable about the process of moving up in a company. Come learn about the Pennsylvania industry scene!


Monday, April 25: HGSAC Seminar, Lauren Celano

Lauren is the Founder and CEO of Propel Careers, and works to build relationships with life science students and companies. She would have some great insight on the career process after getting your PhD, as I’m sure she has helped others through it.



Friday, May 13 to Monday, May 16: Plant Biology Symposium

“Plant Stress-Omics in a Changing Climate”

Learn about the new ways Big Data is improving the plant biology field. Submit an abstract for a poster if you’d like.


Friday, May 20 & Saturday, May 21: Life Science Symposium

100 Life Science Building (Berg auditorium)

This symposium will include research talks, poster presentations and group activities to enhance the collaboration and communication between life science labs at Penn State. It’s free! There will be food, science and good company. Featuring two keynotes, including Dr. Jim Pawelczyk, a former NASA astronaut and current Penn State professor and Dr. Jonathan Sleeman, Director of the National Wildlife Health Center at U.S. Geological Survey.


Tuesday, May 24 & Wednesday, May 25 “Living with our Viromes” Symposium

Viral microbes, emerging viruses and vaccines are just a few topics that will be covered at this annual symposium.



Science presentation and job seeking skills assessment (anytime)

Want to improve for that conference talk or job interview? This is the time!

Contact Jeffrey Lovelace (jbl942@psu.edu)


Recap on Lunch with Jennifer Doudna

Navigating through grad school can be a daunting process in itself.  While you might find yourself busy with your research projects and teaching duties, making time to figure out how to make the best of your time as a graduate student, and how to make yourself an ideal candidate for your future career, is essential.  The Huck Graduate Student Advisory Committee (HGSAC) aims to help you along with this process, by providing career and professional development resources, and by letting graduate students meet with professionals in various STEM fields.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna came to Penn State and delivered to a full house.
Dr. Jennifer Doudna came to Penn State to deliver a seminar on the CRISPR/Cas9 system.

Last semester, Dr. Jennifer Doudna came to Penn State and gave a seminar on the CRISPR/Cas 9 system. She was gracious enough to also have lunch with graduate students for a Q & A session (co-hosted by the HGSAC and BMB department). Below are her (paraphrased) responses to our student questions.

Career advice or questions:

Which experience or opportunity during your education or early career contributed most to your success?

There were two main experiences that I think contributed the most. I grew up in Hawaii, and when I first read “The Double Helix”, that was the first “spark” that got me interested in science. Then, in the 10th grade, there was a program where they had a scientist talk to students, including a biochemist working on cancer cell research, and that helped reinforce my interest.

How do you think the interactions with your previous advisers (Dr. Szostak and Dr. Cech) benefit your academic career?

With my first advisor, I learned that you need to be proactive. As a first year, my advisor asked me about this idea, and he actually trusted me to make decisions on the science, even as a novice–that made a big impression on me to have early success.

During my post doc, Tom Cech was insightful about making the best of your data and interpreting your results, which also benefited my career.

Could you recommend some ways to find a lab for a promising postdoc experience? Should the lab of a very well-known PI be preferred, or the lab of a new PI in a promising topic?

Whether the PI is well known or new, you should pursue what you are interested in first, and then consider the personality and environment of the lab, make sure it’s a stimulating environment.

Could you provide some insights on what helped you with first being a professor?

It was more like a fly by the seat of your pants experience. You have to be willing to do every job in your lab, initially. That means even fixing leaky faucets. It’s a great idea if you can hire a technician right away to help set up. This person would be able to help you initiate the culture you want in your lab. Science is about people working together.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna with HGSAC members during the Q & A lunch session.

Graduate student/research advice:

Do you have any advice for women who want to pursue an academic career?

Don’t put yourself down, try for positions even if you do not think you are likely to get them, and make sure you choose a supportive life partner.

How do you complete a project efficiently?

Delegate, rely on students and postdocs, and make sure that there are subgroups of the lab so that everyone is teaching one another. Then, meet regularly, and constantly ask the questions of “are we working on the most important question? Is there new literature?”

What kind of qualities do you look for in a candidate?

Honestly I think my job is to figure out what the students are best suited for. We need scientists trained in all sorts of methodologies, and my job is to help them figure out what they should focus on.

Work/life balance and gender adversity:

What have you found to be the most effective way to balance work/life?

Pick the right life partner. If you want to have kids, involve them in your work–bring them to your conferences and trips!

Have you been faced with any adversity as a woman in science? If so, how did you overcome it and do you have any tips or advice for graduate students in general?

I’ve generally worked with males and females who were very encouraging. I think it’s important to have a personality that can deal with delayed gratification.

CRISPR/Cas9 questions:

Did you have a moment where you had to consider the ethical considerations with CRISPR, like human genome editing?

There was an evolution in my way of thinking. Initially, there was so much excitement that this was possible, then it became clear it would work in any cells including embryos and germ cell line. It was when they genetically modified monkeys that it seemed like a profound topic to discuss this in the community. I have gotten involved in the call for a public discussion about gene editing, especially in the germ line. Tomorrow, I will be attending a summit at the International Academy of Science, for a global discussion of the matter. We need a transparent discussion about this, to not do that would be irresponsible.

How did you balance the research on new biotechnology and industrial development of a technique?

We’re still focusing on biology and the underlying molecular mechanisms-understanding this enables you to do many other things. By working on fundamental mechanisms, we can learn more about how to refine this process of gene editing, gene disruption and gene replacement. It’s not a transition but rather a natural progression.

What is your prediction of how CRISPR/Cas9 will be used 10 years from now?

Transcriptional control and live-cell imaging will be further developed. Eventually, this will be a tool in your molecular toolbox, like PCR.  Its’ an enabling technology, I am excited with the science that will be done with this.

Did you celebrate when you realized what you had with CRISPR?

There was definitely this moment of joy when I realized what we had.

Other questions:

Have you ever considered working in industry?

Yes, I worked at companies in Boston but I chose academia because I found it was the best way to pursue “pure” science. I worked for Genentech for a few months then came back because I wanted to have an applied direction to research. As the VP of research, there’s actually a lot more administrative and management duties than I expected. I missed actually doing the science. That’s why I went back into academia.

What do you think about the future of high-risk science funding?  With decreased funding, how do you move forward?

We need to have a mechanism to enable scientists to be creative and explorative. Remember, a grant is not a contract.  Once you have the money, you should have some freedom to pursue “risky” science. You will likely be rewarded. Your judgement should come in here as to whether or not you think it will succeed. You can bootstrap ideas. In general, I think you don’t need huge resources to do good science.


For more information on future career and professional development events and seminars, visit our website here!

Physiological Adaptations to Stress Training Grant, What is it All About?

Clockwise from front row right: Adwitia Dey, Kelly Ness, Billie Alba, Zhi Chai, and James Hester. Not pictured: Paul Hsu (Hershey Campus).
Current Physiology Training Grant Students. Clockwise from front right: Adwitia Dey, Kelly Ness, Billie Alba, Zhi Chai, and James Hester. Not pictured: Paul Hsu (Hershey Campus).

In 2014, the Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Physiology secured one of the National Institutes of Health’s prestigious pre-doctoral training grants. Titled, “Physiological Adaptations to Stress,” the program provides students in the sciences with interdisciplinary training by exposing them to diverse but relevant fields of study such as law and business. The grant provides funding and access to unique coursework to two to four students per year for three years each.

Various research topics are covered by current trainees on the grant, including the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and vascular stress, chronic and disease-mediated inflammatory effects on the central nervous system, intestinal epithelial response to microbial infection in a vitamin A deficient state, and the effects of sleep restriction on adipocyte function. I am a member of the second cohort to be added to the grant, so I thought I would ask my fellow trainees some questions about being members of an interdisciplinary training grant.

In the fall of 2014, the first cohort of four students took a course on entrepreneurship through the business school. I asked Paul Hsu, a joint MD-PhD student at Hershey Medical Center and a member of the initial cohort of trainees, about the course.

“The entrepreneurship class was a good, broad introduction into the issues encountered by start-up businesses and the major obstacles that are encountered as a company grows. The course provided an environment to learn how to plan and direct the development of a company into a variety of endpoints (rapid growth, lifestyle entrepreneur, etc.),” said Hsu.

I think it is especially important to highlight how unique of an opportunity it is for graduate students in the hard sciences to take business and law school classes. This year’s cohort had the chance to take a business school course called Team Process, which I found to be an incredible experience. It exposed me to an entirely different way of thinking and seeing the world and taught me how to communicate more effectively. My fellow cohort member, Adwitia Dey, agrees: “The curriculum has taught me to evaluate my personal skills candidly and learn to work on my weaknesses actively, particularly [when] working in a team setting. This training will most definitely impact my future as a career scientist whether I follow a path in academia or industry because being an effective team member is important in all capacities.”

This summer, all six current trainees will have the opportunity to partake in a two-week intensive course on science patent law, a topic far beyond most doctoral training programs, but a critical aspect of many scientists’ current and future careers. Other focuses of the training include effective scientific communication to diverse audiences and a capstone course taught by faculty from numerous departments, entitled Physiological Adaptations to Stress. I cannot overstate the importance or honor of being a part of this training grant as the interdisciplinary training it provides will allow us to more effectively navigate future careers in the sciences and in science-related fields. I highly recommend that students from a broad range of science fields and from throughout the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences apply to be a part of this unique training opportunity.


For more information about the training grant see here: https://www.huck.psu.edu/content/graduate-programs/biomedical-stress-physiology