Tag Archives: Work/life balance

Spring 2016: Career and Professional Events

Hoping to learn more about careers post graduation? Interested in building your professional skills?

The Huck Graduate Student Advisory Committee (HGSAC) aims to provide students with professional development opportunities and to promote exposure to all science careers, inside and outside of academia. We are a new organization that also collaborates extensively with other student organizations. A few of our goals for this semester include implementing a peer editing website, a meeting with the CEO of a life sciences recruitment firm, and joint happy hours with other GSAs. We’d love to hear about your events and offer assistance in increasing attendance — contact PSU.HGSAC@gmail.com.

I’ve complied a few of the HGSAC’s events for this semester and those from other organizations as well. For up to date information and to check out even more career and professional development related events, go here!



Saturday, February 27, 10am-1pm or 2:30-5:30pm: “How to be your own best mentor” workshop

Dr. Carolee Bull, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Department Head

Develop your own mission statement, make self assessments, and learn how to improve on your most needed skills.



Friday, March 4, 1-2pm: HGSAC Seminar, Dr. Melissa Ho

Managing Director, Africa for Millennium Challenge Corporation

Learn about Melissa’s career history and the advice she has for graduate students, starting from her Ph.D. at Penn State in Plant Physiology to her previous post at USAID’s Bureau for Food Security as a Senior Policy Advisor.


Friday, March 4, 11am: BMMB Seminar, Dr. Kevin Lynch

Vice President, Scientific Assessment at AbbVie

Kevin leads the Business Development team at Abbvie, and as such, he is knowledgeable in topics such as venture investment, academic collaborations, licensing and acquisitions. He received his Ph.D. from Penn State in Molecular Virology… we are in similar boats as he once was!


Saturday, March 5, 9am-5pm: Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Career Day

Penn State Hershey College of Medicine

Featuring careers in Science Communication and Education, Research, Government and Regulation, Business Development and Consulting, and Science Policy. There will be food provided!

Transportation is also provided. Please RSVP here.


Friday, March 25: HGSAC Seminar, Dr. Josh Yoder

Medical Science Liaison at Sanofi Pasteur

A Medical Science Liaisons work in various capacities in the pharmaceutical, biotech, or other health care industries. They work to ensure products are used effectively, are scientific experts within the company, and can work with physicians. Learn about Josh’s journey before and after his postdoc at Penn State Hershey. His past employers include Thermalin Diabetes, I’m sure he has some advice for us!


Monday, March 28: Postdoc panel, hosted by the MCIBS GSA

Featuring postdocs, Dr. Robert McGinty (PSU), Dr. Lauren Chaby (Michigan), and Dr. Sarah Carnahan Craig (PSU)

Get advice from how to get a postdoc to how to leave a postdoc. This will be an informal event with food!



Tuesday, April 12, 1-8pm: Novel Ecosystems Research Symposium

“An afternoon with Penn State Ecologists”

A great way to learn more about ecology in a fun setting with food, drinks and a poster reception.


Friday, April 22: BMMB Seminar, Dr. Jim Hershey

Director of Pharmacology at Merck

Jim leads research activities by setting program strategy to maximize growth opportunities in drug discovery. He has a long history at Merck and I’m sure is knowledgeable about the process of moving up in a company. Come learn about the Pennsylvania industry scene!


Monday, April 25: HGSAC Seminar, Lauren Celano

Lauren is the Founder and CEO of Propel Careers, and works to build relationships with life science students and companies. She would have some great insight on the career process after getting your PhD, as I’m sure she has helped others through it.



Friday, May 13 to Monday, May 16: Plant Biology Symposium

“Plant Stress-Omics in a Changing Climate”

Learn about the new ways Big Data is improving the plant biology field. Submit an abstract for a poster if you’d like.


Friday, May 20 & Saturday, May 21: Life Science Symposium

100 Life Science Building (Berg auditorium)

This symposium will include research talks, poster presentations and group activities to enhance the collaboration and communication between life science labs at Penn State. It’s free! There will be food, science and good company. Featuring two keynotes, including Dr. Jim Pawelczyk, a former NASA astronaut and current Penn State professor and Dr. Jonathan Sleeman, Director of the National Wildlife Health Center at U.S. Geological Survey.


Tuesday, May 24 & Wednesday, May 25 “Living with our Viromes” Symposium

Viral microbes, emerging viruses and vaccines are just a few topics that will be covered at this annual symposium.



Science presentation and job seeking skills assessment (anytime)

Want to improve for that conference talk or job interview? This is the time!

Contact Jeffrey Lovelace (jbl942@psu.edu)


Recap on Lunch with Jennifer Doudna

Navigating through grad school can be a daunting process in itself.  While you might find yourself busy with your research projects and teaching duties, making time to figure out how to make the best of your time as a graduate student, and how to make yourself an ideal candidate for your future career, is essential.  The Huck Graduate Student Advisory Committee (HGSAC) aims to help you along with this process, by providing career and professional development resources, and by letting graduate students meet with professionals in various STEM fields.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna came to Penn State and delivered to a full house.
Dr. Jennifer Doudna came to Penn State to deliver a seminar on the CRISPR/Cas9 system.

Last semester, Dr. Jennifer Doudna came to Penn State and gave a seminar on the CRISPR/Cas 9 system. She was gracious enough to also have lunch with graduate students for a Q & A session (co-hosted by the HGSAC and BMB department). Below are her (paraphrased) responses to our student questions.

Career advice or questions:

Which experience or opportunity during your education or early career contributed most to your success?

There were two main experiences that I think contributed the most. I grew up in Hawaii, and when I first read “The Double Helix”, that was the first “spark” that got me interested in science. Then, in the 10th grade, there was a program where they had a scientist talk to students, including a biochemist working on cancer cell research, and that helped reinforce my interest.

How do you think the interactions with your previous advisers (Dr. Szostak and Dr. Cech) benefit your academic career?

With my first advisor, I learned that you need to be proactive. As a first year, my advisor asked me about this idea, and he actually trusted me to make decisions on the science, even as a novice–that made a big impression on me to have early success.

During my post doc, Tom Cech was insightful about making the best of your data and interpreting your results, which also benefited my career.

Could you recommend some ways to find a lab for a promising postdoc experience? Should the lab of a very well-known PI be preferred, or the lab of a new PI in a promising topic?

Whether the PI is well known or new, you should pursue what you are interested in first, and then consider the personality and environment of the lab, make sure it’s a stimulating environment.

Could you provide some insights on what helped you with first being a professor?

It was more like a fly by the seat of your pants experience. You have to be willing to do every job in your lab, initially. That means even fixing leaky faucets. It’s a great idea if you can hire a technician right away to help set up. This person would be able to help you initiate the culture you want in your lab. Science is about people working together.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna with HGSAC members during the Q & A lunch session.

Graduate student/research advice:

Do you have any advice for women who want to pursue an academic career?

Don’t put yourself down, try for positions even if you do not think you are likely to get them, and make sure you choose a supportive life partner.

How do you complete a project efficiently?

Delegate, rely on students and postdocs, and make sure that there are subgroups of the lab so that everyone is teaching one another. Then, meet regularly, and constantly ask the questions of “are we working on the most important question? Is there new literature?”

What kind of qualities do you look for in a candidate?

Honestly I think my job is to figure out what the students are best suited for. We need scientists trained in all sorts of methodologies, and my job is to help them figure out what they should focus on.

Work/life balance and gender adversity:

What have you found to be the most effective way to balance work/life?

Pick the right life partner. If you want to have kids, involve them in your work–bring them to your conferences and trips!

Have you been faced with any adversity as a woman in science? If so, how did you overcome it and do you have any tips or advice for graduate students in general?

I’ve generally worked with males and females who were very encouraging. I think it’s important to have a personality that can deal with delayed gratification.

CRISPR/Cas9 questions:

Did you have a moment where you had to consider the ethical considerations with CRISPR, like human genome editing?

There was an evolution in my way of thinking. Initially, there was so much excitement that this was possible, then it became clear it would work in any cells including embryos and germ cell line. It was when they genetically modified monkeys that it seemed like a profound topic to discuss this in the community. I have gotten involved in the call for a public discussion about gene editing, especially in the germ line. Tomorrow, I will be attending a summit at the International Academy of Science, for a global discussion of the matter. We need a transparent discussion about this, to not do that would be irresponsible.

How did you balance the research on new biotechnology and industrial development of a technique?

We’re still focusing on biology and the underlying molecular mechanisms-understanding this enables you to do many other things. By working on fundamental mechanisms, we can learn more about how to refine this process of gene editing, gene disruption and gene replacement. It’s not a transition but rather a natural progression.

What is your prediction of how CRISPR/Cas9 will be used 10 years from now?

Transcriptional control and live-cell imaging will be further developed. Eventually, this will be a tool in your molecular toolbox, like PCR.  Its’ an enabling technology, I am excited with the science that will be done with this.

Did you celebrate when you realized what you had with CRISPR?

There was definitely this moment of joy when I realized what we had.

Other questions:

Have you ever considered working in industry?

Yes, I worked at companies in Boston but I chose academia because I found it was the best way to pursue “pure” science. I worked for Genentech for a few months then came back because I wanted to have an applied direction to research. As the VP of research, there’s actually a lot more administrative and management duties than I expected. I missed actually doing the science. That’s why I went back into academia.

What do you think about the future of high-risk science funding?  With decreased funding, how do you move forward?

We need to have a mechanism to enable scientists to be creative and explorative. Remember, a grant is not a contract.  Once you have the money, you should have some freedom to pursue “risky” science. You will likely be rewarded. Your judgement should come in here as to whether or not you think it will succeed. You can bootstrap ideas. In general, I think you don’t need huge resources to do good science.


For more information on future career and professional development events and seminars, visit our website here!

Surviving Graduate School: Multiple Perspectives

Graduate school is definitely not easy. But did any of us really think that it would be?

Whether you’re reading this as a prospective, current, or former graduate student, or even perhaps as a family member or friend of a graduate student, you’ve undoubtedly heard about some of the trials and tribulations that graduate students face.

While I could write countless blog posts on how to survive the many hurdles that come with being a PhD student, I thought it would be better, and more well-rounded, to instead ask a bunch of graduate students what they thought. So, with the simple question of, “What advice do you have for prospective or younger graduate students?”, here are the answers I got:

On developing relationships/working with others:

Help:PageLines- MHanlon.jpg ask for it and hand it out – At some point, you’re going to need help. Whether that be with a lab protocol, having someone read over something you’ve written, having a labmate take care of your plants/animals/cells while you’re away, or analyzing your data, it’s going to happen. Science isn’t about individual pursuit, so building trusting relationships with your colleagues where you reciprocate help early on will help you be successful throughout your career.
–Molly Hanlon, 6th year Plant Biology

PageLines- MHanlon.jpgMake everyone a mentor — This isn’t limited to PIs. I see grad students doing great things on a large scale and even on the smaller scale in labs. Some of my labmates have great organizational skills, or I just really like their approach to doing work. I try to learn from all of these people and take the best from each of them to develop my own habits and practices. To do this, I remind myself that nothing I do is ‘the best’ and there’s always room for improvement.
–Molly Hanlon, 6th year Plant Biology

Find a faculty mentor who isn’t your advisor. Ideally a disinterested party who isn’t relying on you to pump out papers.

On time-management and work/life balance:

image_normal (1)Go to bed early, get up early, and get to lab early.
Exercise! Preferably in the morning to get it out of the way.
Prepare your meals in advance.
This has all saved me time and allowed me to make time for my friends, which is an important aspect of graduate life.
–Kahina Ghanem, 3rd year Physiology


image_normal (2)Force yourself to take breaks. It is really easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole that is grad school because there is always something you can be working on. You need to set time aside to take a break, otherwise you’ll just get burnt out. So, take that extra time to go for a hike, watch some TV, or find a new hobby. There is no better time than grad school to find new hobbies.
–Stephanie Klein, 2nd year Plant Biology


PageLines- MHanlon.jpgSet boundaries – One of the hardest things for an eager-to-please young graduate student to do is say no. A constant chorus of yeses, though, will soon leave you overwhelmed and struggling to keep your head above water. Knowing what to say yes to, though, requires a clear set of goals and a focused mentality to achieve them. You also have to have confidence in yourself that you’re going to come through on the things that your commit to.
–Molly Hanlon, 6th year Plant Biology


image_normal (3)I think the most important skill to develop early on during your graduate career is time management along with strategic efforts towards your future career plans. For instance, if you hope to work in a certain industry, typically one that would not be a conventional academic route, it will be in your best interest to look for opportunities all while pursing your research goals, and internship are the most appropriate. So learning to balance your time in the lab as well as preparing yourself for future opportunities will be an important feat in graduate school.
–Josephine Garban, 5th year Molecular Medicine


PageLines- MHanlon.jpgHave “other” friends — Having hobbies really makes the ‘taking care of yourself’ thing a lot easier. It also helps you to interact with a more diverse group of people that aren’t also scientists. Talking with these friends has helped me contextualize my work and improve my communication skills: a political science PhD student isn’t going to immediately understand why researching plant root growth is important. Even if you don’t have active hobbies, having hobbies that allow you to interact with non-scientists can really help you improve your work and gain perspective. There are all sorts of things to do, so don’t be afraid to try something new and stick with it.
–Molly Hanlon, 6th year Plant Biology

On funding opportunities:

From my experience, some departments may be unwilling to offer internal support to Huck students. I recommend that you speak early with representatives of the departments that you are interested in to find out if they are one such department and to talk to your potential PI about funding opportunities for external sources of funding.
– Anonymous

On teaching:

image_normal (4)The more time and effort you put in, the more rewards you get – Teaching requires much more work than just standing in front of students in the classroom. After becoming a lab instructor myself, I realized that the preparations (e.g. making teaching materials, designing quizzes and grading rubrics, etc.) and reviews (e.g. grading, answering questions from students, etc.) require way more work than I had imagined. However, there are a lot of great resources for teachers at any level at Penn State, like the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence. Despite the heavy workload, at the end of teaching, you get to feel that teaching/mentoring isn’t that bad and actually something worth spending time on. Personally, I think hearing students’ saying ‘Aha! Now I got it!’ is the best reward as a teacher, and this experience will definitely bring you excitement and joy in teaching and curiosity towards different teaching methods. –Yurika Matsui, 5th year MCIBS

image_normal (4)Must-do’s to survive your first time teaching — 1) attending a lab section/a lecture led by an experienced instructor, 2) picturing the entire lecture/lab period (starting from entering the lab/lecture room and ending with leaving the room) and planning two weeks ahead of time, and 3) rehearsing your lecture at least once at home. One fun advice I got from my own teaching mentor was ‘becoming an aunt/an uncle of your students, not a friend, parent or sibling.’ Because many graduate students are close in age to undergraduate students, it is sometimes difficult to know the appropriate personal distance to your students. This piece of advice nicely describes how we should interact with students while keeping the professional distance. –Yurika Matsui, 5th year MCIBS

On choosing a lab/adviser: 

picture_245Talk to graduate students in the lab to better understand the “lab life”.
Look at what graduate students in the lab have published and also how long they take to graduate.
Talk with your adviser about time expectations – some PIs expect 70 hour work weeks while others do not care exactly how much time you spend in the lab as long as you are producing results.
Ask about potential projects you may be on – is the project set in stone or is there wiggle room for you to pursue your interests?
Think about what you want to do after graduate school – do you need to find a lab that offers a specific skill set for that profession? If not, are there alternative ways to get that skill set?
–Colleen McSweeney, 4th year Neuroscience

On communication:

picture_1042Communicate with your advisor. He/she is the one who mentors you since the very beginning of graduate school, and they know the best of what you are good at, or what you are fear of. Not to say the decades of mentoring experiences they have. Don’t be afraid to tell them what you are up to for your career, and you would get the best support you may not even able to imagine. In my case, since I am interested in outreach and science communication, Dr.Kao not only supports my involvement in GWIS and GSA events, but also encourages me to mentor undergraduate students in the lab, and be peer mentor in Plant Biology program, through which I gained valuable experience on communication and collaboration.
–Shu Li, 6th year Plant Biology

Other thoughtful advice:

picture_1042Don’t limit yourself in graduate school. No matter there is a new experimental technology you want to apply in the project, or new scientific outreach activities you are interested to be involved, as long as if that’s time and budget affordable, I would sincerely encourage you to give it a shot. My advisor Dr. Kao once told me “Of course there is a chance to fail, but if you don’t try, there is even no possibility to win.”
–Shu Li, 6th year Plant Biology


image_normal (5)Always have a back-up project/plan in case things crash and burn. It will save time. While you don’t want to have two main projects, always explore something somewhat unrelated or tangential to the main project. Hopefully it never happens but sometimes things just don’t pan out. It happened to me and wish I had been tackling something else. I also think trying to be collaborative, not just in your lab, but in other labs is useful. Try and offer something to someone to get an extra paper out of it. I managed to get 6 extra publications because I was so collaborative. I feel better about myself for being here a while because I had a decent amount of publications rather than just a single first author paper.
–Nicholas Blazanin, Ph.D. graduate from Molecular Toxicology

PageLines- MHanlon.jpgBe honest with yourself — This is probably the most important. Know your strengths and play to them. Know your weaknesses, and do what you can to strengthen them. Don’t take something on that you know you can’t do. Work hard, but work smart, and be honest with yourself that you’re doing both of these things. If you’re not, don’t feel bad about it – do something to change it. Ask for help when you need it. Plan on graduating at some point.
–Molly Hanlon, 6th year Plant Biology


image_normal (4)Teaching assistantships may be just a way to get you paid, but it’s up to us if we take this opportunity for our personal development and/or future career choice — Because of the high expectation given to graduate students in research, we place the majority of efforts on developing our technical and scientific skills. However, once we are out of graduate school with the advanced degree, the real world is expecting us to have soft skills, or the abilities to work and communicate effectively in a group of people with various background. These skills involve leadership, communication skills, teamwork, time-management, conflict solving skills etc. And being a teacher tremendously cultivates these skills.
–Yurika Matsui, 5th year MCIBS