RCL #1: Passion Blog Ideas

As a person who has too many interests and is in a near constant state of lethargy due to bad sleep habits, a blog is a open door leading to a pot of gold. A blog grants the blogger a place to share their interests with others and possibly learn even more about their own interests.  They appear to be novel and fantastic—until I realized that one, all my ideas have some sort of problem (such my lack of research on the topic), and two, I have so many minuscule blog ideas that I have no clue how to unite under an overarching theme. But I suppose that is the whole point of a blog: to research and present a concoction of the information you find and your own ideas to the world.

World travel has topped my list of life goals from a very young age, so this blog will most likely be dedicated to my love of the world around us. For example, one of the ideas I have is a “bucket-list” blog of some sort. I already have an outrageous number of pins of random places on Pinterest (half of which I pinned just because the location seemed aesthetically intriguing). Additionally, If enjoy learning about the cultures of different nations, such as Finland’s eccentric sauna-sitting or cell-phone throwing competitions, so that could also be incorporated into this blog somehow. In brief, this blog would include pictures of different cities and events I’d like to visit, as well as facts about the culture in said cities.

Another topic I have enjoyed from childhood is science and all the branches within it, such as life sciences and space. If I choose this topic over the traveling one, I would either blog about new discoveries occurring in the present moment or possibly strange or humorous discoveries from the past that are skimmed over in our school and college courses. Now more than ever, science plays a dominant role in my life, since my intended major is chemical engineering, and also in the lives of everyone else on this planet, considering the looming effect of climate change and many other major problems that need to be solved with science. It would do well to write a blog to get more students interested in the more interesting aspects of science rather than just than fundamentals taught in school because it’s now our turn to discover and create inventions to advance and protect this planet we live on.

Tl;dr: it’s either this:

Tfw scientists steal your gummy bear and explode it








Or this:

All for some cheese

Suggestions are most welcome!


Categories: RCL

One thought on “RCL #1: Passion Blog Ideas

  1. I really enjoyed both of your ideas for your passion blog and I think the choice comes down to which ever one you are more passionate about. However, I have some ideas for both to make them a little more specific and possibly easier to write about.

    For the travel “bucket list” I would be careful that you don’t make it too broad when picking activities. If you do it by country it would be hard to travel and do a bunch of things in one country at one time. For example, if you were to do Italy it would be hard to do the history of Italy because the cities are so varied and each city has so much to do. I would stick to a single city per every country you decide to do. i.e. do Venice, Italy for one and Amsterdam, Netherlands for another.

    For the science blog, I would try to stick to one topic, i.e. only do an informative blog where every post is a new controversy or do a funny blog and every post sticks to being funny. I think it would be too hard and confusing to try to combine all of those topic together in one blog.

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