Cultivating Excellent Humanities Scholarship in a Digital Age
The Humanities in a Digital Age (HDA) initiative is a collaborative endeavor between the College of the Liberal Arts and the University Libraries at the Pennsylvania State University to enrich and promote rigorous cross-disciplinary humanities scholarship and research at a time when writing, reading, teaching, and research are being transformed by digital technologies.
The HDA initiative was created to enhance the research and public profiles of humanities faculty in the College and the University Libraries, open new opportunities for high caliber graduate placements in the humanities, and enrich the undergraduate experience by providing undergraduate students access to and support for cutting-edge humanities research.
Through the HDA initiative, the University Libraries plans and implements new services to support digitally enriched scholarship by graduate students and faculty in a wide range of fields.
Recognizing that the most innovative scholarship in the digital humanities is collaborative, the HDA initiative is structured to enable robust collaboration between the College of the Liberal Arts and the University Libraries. Librarians and Digital Research Designers will partner with humanities faculty to identify and discover ways to use technology to enrich existing faculty research projects in the humanities and to explore and create new forms of digital humanities scholarship. Faculty scholars will continue to work on individual research projects, but we aim to develop a community of researchers who together can work towards the goals of the HDA.