Second Spectrum, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
- 2013 PhD Physics University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)
- 2006 B.S. Physics California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly)
- IceCube: Neutrino astrophysics and oscillations
- Precision IceCube Next Generation Upgrade (PINGU): Neutrino mass hierarchy and oscillation physics
- Gamma Ray Astrophysics
Selected Recent Publications and Preprints
- Letter of Intent: The Precision IceCube Next Generation Upgrade (PINGU). IceCube-PINGU Collaboration (Aartsen, M.G. et al.) arXiv:1401.2046
- Intergalactic Magnetic Fields and Gamma Ray Observations of Extreme TeV Blazars. Arlen, T.C., V.V. Vassiliev, T. Weisgarber, S.P. Wakely, S.Y. Shafi. arXiv:1210.2802, ApJ 796, 18 (2014).
- A Three-Year Multi-Wavelength Study of the Very High Energy Gamma-ray Blazar 1ES 0229+200. VERITAS Collaboration (Aliu, E., et al.) arXiv:1312.6592, ApJ 782, 13 (2014).