Written Statement

Design Details:

I am making my final website a personal online portfolio. The purpose of this portfolio is to show the amount of work I have done in and out of this course. This would be useful to show to my prospective employers as evidence of the range of knowledge, skills, experiences, and projects that I have acquired throughout college. There will be a home, about, projects, skills and contact page on my website. For the “Projects” page, I will be making it into a grid format since it helps keep everything neat and organized. The flower background on my homepage is a digital drawing I made on Illustrator. The color scheme and fonts I will use will combine creativity and professionalism very well as well as something very simple and clean.

Artist Statement/Design Philosophy:

My work is inspired by a lot of people’s portfolios and websites. One individual however inspired me the most. Adam Ho is a brand designer and he delivers an unforgettable first impression through his portfolio. His use of custom interactions and animations make his portfolio stand out from the rest of other portfolios I have seen. To view his website, click here.

I am really interested in User Experience and User Interface (UX/UI) design and I hope that in the future I could get into that field even though I am and Advertising major with a double minor in DMTA and IST. I really enjoy looking at websites and think about what I would do to that website to make it more appealing and better.

Next year, I will be exposed to a lot of projects like creating advertising campaigns, and redesigning websites. By being exposed to these projects, I want to document them into my portfolio. I want to be able to show my projects to anyone who is interested, especially future employers.

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