Ten Ways College Will Change Your Life


With creator culture and the hustle economy becoming more prolific, many young people are wondering if it is still worth attending college. The answer is, “yes!” College offers more than just certification. Your college experience will prove valuable in many ways. Here are ten ways that college will improve and enhance your life.

1. Become Independent

For many young people, your college years will be the first time live away from home. Not having your parents to rely on means that you are in charge of making your own decisions and managing your own time and finances. While it may be challenging at first, you will soon learn to appreciate the freedom and independence. Although your decisions may turn out wrong, they remain opportunities for you to grow.

2. Learn Practical Skills

You may not truly grasp the importance of practical skills until you can apply them in the real world. College offers you an experience in ‘adulting’. You have to learn to take care of your living space, pay the bills, keep an effective schedule, maintain interpersonal relationships, and more. These essential skills will follow you after college into your professional career and continue to serve you throughout your life.

3. Expand Your Worldview

At college, you will meet a variety of people from different walks of life. Exposure to diversity enables you to expand your perspective and have a more holistic worldview. As you interact with people from various backgrounds and cultures, you develop better understanding and empathy. This evolved mindset will help you to navigate many personal, professional, and social relationships over the years.

4. Meet the Experts

Some of the leading experts in various fields are academics. Depending on the college you enroll in, your faculty members may include famous authors, filmmakers, diplomats, inventors, and scientists. For instance, the Stanford University faculty currently boasts 20 Nobel laureates. When your professors are highly-esteemed in their fields, you will have the opportunity to learn from the best and gain from their insight and experience.

5. Make Connections

Friendships forged during college can last forever. These connections can enable you to find a job, meet new clients, or even find your future spouse. If you join a sorority or fraternity, you can expect to receive support from alumni members from other chapters and generations, even when you move to a different city. Similarly, the alumni of your college will be scattered all over the country and the world, providing unique ways for you to network.

6. Increase Your Confidence

As you manage your studies, tackle problems, and become more adept at the field of your choice, your self-esteem and confidence increase. Your college degree is a recognition of the years of hard work that you should be proud to display on your resume. But, more importantly, it is an affirmation that you have overcome challenges, grown as an individual, and learned to hold your own in a highly-competitive world. This confidence will come in handy when you walk into an interview or your new job.

7. Follow Your Passion

If you know what your dream career is, then college will give you the tools to pursue your passion. Whether your chosen field is fine arts or STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), there will be a program that is designed to help you succeed. Many career paths require years of in-depth study and colleges provide the resources, equipment, and structure that prepare you for a job in your chosen field. Look at college reviews to find the best colleges for your prospective major.

8. Gain Job Prospects

A bachelor’s degree opens the door to an array of prospects that are unavailable to high school graduates. Many companies ask for a minimum of a bachelor’s degree even for entry-level positions. And while some mature adults with extensive life experience may be able to get jobs without higher education, it is extremely rare for young people to do so. Therefore, you should complete college to improve your chances of employment.

9. Achieve a Higher Salary

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $524 more per week than those who only graduated from high school. This adds up to $27,000 a year and upwards of a million dollars over an entire professional career. Furthermore, college graduates often secure more stable full-time positions and receive better employment benefits such as health insurance and generous pensions.

10. Improve Your Quality of Life

Although many factors add up to determine the quality of life, college graduates typically have happier and healthier lives than non-degree holders. According to the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), people with a bachelor’s degree or higher live longer and more prosperous lives. Thanks to more successful careers and higher salaries, college graduates have access to better medical care and are more likely to own their own homes.

As you can see, college is about more than just academics. A college education enriches your life and helps you grow into the person that you want to be.

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