
There are a number of h5p content types that can be used to allow students to check their understanding within the scope of a lesson or unit. When set up correctly to provide feedback, integrating knowledge checks in a course may help students self-regulate their learning.

  1. H5P interactions can be used as a pre-test at the beginning of a lesson or unit to help students better understand what they know and what they need to pay closer attention to as they progress through the content.
  2. H5P interactions can be used within the content to allow students to check their understanding of certain concepts or topics within a lesson or unit before moving onto more difficult concepts and topics.
  3. H5P interactions can be used at the end of the lesson or unit to allow students to check their understanding before moving onto higher stakes assessment.
  4. H5P interactions can be used to review before quizzes or exams


Assessment – Checking student understanding can not only tell you how well students are learning the material but also which parts of your lessons are working and which ones could use improvement. While H5P probably isn’t suitable for high-stakes assessments, it’s perfect for pretesting, self-checks embedded within content, and low-stakes assessments.

Content organization – Courses can wind up with a lot of content in them, and it’s important to keep everything organized and navigable. To be successful you’ll need to coordinate all the resources being used. H5P can help keep things organized with a variety of ways to chunk and display content.

Gaming – Adding game-like elements to lessons can allow students to “play” with content. When interactions are fun students will spend more time engaging with the material which may lead to better learning outcomes. While H5P won’t allow you to build complex games, it can help you easily build enjoyable interactions.

Presentation – H5P has a variety of content types that can help make your online presentation more than just videos or pages of words and pictures. Content types can be used individually or in combination with each other to create attractive and engaging ways to present your information.


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