Iphone X vs Iphone 8 vs Iphone 7…Should you upgrade?

How do the Iphones look different?: The Iphone X looks very different from the other iphones by increasing screen to body ratio by getting rid of the home button. The aluminum frame is replaced with all glass, so be careful and possibly invest in a case. The iphone 8 looks almost identical to the iphone 7 with a home button finger reader.

How big is the iphone x in comparison to other iphones? Despite the larger screen, the Iphone x is very close in actual size to the iphone 8 and 7.

The iphone X also uses swipes in the place of a home button. It also has face recognitio by using a flood illuminator. It also has an OLED displays, which make the colors richer.

The iphone x and 8 are also faster and have longer battery life. Iphone 8 and X can also have wireless charging because of their glass backs.

Is this enough new technology for you to upgrade?

8 thoughts on “Iphone X vs Iphone 8 vs Iphone 7…Should you upgrade?

  1. I’ve noticed that over the past few iPhone releases that one of the main questions asked is, “Is it worth upgrading?” and I’ve only ever seen this with Apple. So Apple releases a new iPhone basically every year, going from 6 to 6s and even skipping the 7s. There’s only so much you can do with a smartphone at this point, especially in Apples’ case. So they release a $999 iPhone with the capability of facial recognition. Now although this new tech is super cool and interesting, One of the main questions that I ask myself is, do I really need it? is it better than the 8? Or even the 7? The overall specs on each iPhone are, of course, better than the last one but they usually aren’t that big of a difference. But the difference with the iPhone X, in my opinion, is not the facial recognition software that it has, but its other features such as the camera quality and new maneuvering methods around the iPhone. So I would say that if you need a phone with better camera quality or to get rid of the pesky home button to have that Andriod phone feel, then it is totally worth the upgrade to the X. But if you just want it for the fancy new software, just stick with the 8.

  2. The unique thing about Apple and their products is that the question “Is it enough to upgrade?” means something different to loyal customers than other brands. Apple’s entire brand is built on affordable luxury, and they’re the only company to really achieve that mission and more. As Scott Galloway said, it might become the first $$$$$ luxury brand. Its product line is accessible to almost every demographic, and acquiring the new phone is a mark of higher status almost immediately. Its brand is so entrenched in our culture, whether we know it or not, that the next iteration can have next to zero upgrades/changes and it will still sell like hotcakes. Now comes the iPhone X, which starts at $1000 and includes numerous changes. Is it worth the upgrade? To Apple-starved customers, of course. They might not even research the differences.

  3. I have to say that Apple is really successful in managing to sell their products, and that is also the reason I do not like Apple even though I am using an iPhone right now. The only reason that I choose to use iPhone instead of using other brands is because, it is so popular that almost everyone around me is using it. Some friends of mine are even addictive to Apple products which I cannot understand at all. It is true that they are upgrading their technology all the time. But beside the unreasonably high prices, their chargers, earphones, and many other products are exclusively for iPhone, mac book, or iPad. That means if you want to use their products, you have to abandon everything you already have and buy tons of Apple products. That is really the most obvious ‘bait and hook’ example that I can ever find and I really hate it. What’s more, they set their iPhone to become malfunction usually after 2 or 3 years to make people buy new products, make them run really slow with the old iOS system, and make apps unable to be downloaded or used without the latest version of iOS system. These are good strategies for a company to sell its products, but it is, at least I think it is inhuman in nature. They force their consumers to buy their products from time to time. It is true that people can buy cellphone in other brands, but as Apple is so popular these days and so many apps are exclusively for iOS system, who would bother themselves to buy something that is not the ‘main stream’ in the society?

    Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/13/apple-new-iphones_n_5967626.html

  4. For $999 you can get the new iphone 8, which 100% isn’t worth it. The iphone X is a legit phone that may be worth upgrading for, especially because of the camera and new bluetooth options. You can buy an adult Lama for $950, and be better off than getting the iphone8. The new features on the X make sense to consider upgrading, but for now I don’t see why I would spend that much to upgrade right now. This article is different, giving a point of view of why the consumer should buy the 8 over the X:

  5. I am still invested in my Iphone 7 plus, it performs all the tasks I need it to perform. I like that Apple is always trying to make improvements with their devices however, the technology they are introducing is a little scary for me. They advertise many changes such as the facial recognition technology which is unique but I still can’t get over speaking to siri and getting results as well as the fingerprint scanning technology that unlocks your phone. One thing that I notice that Apple does as they continue to make new phones, is that they sort of force their new devices on their customers. Eventually, I know I will have to leave my Iphone 7 plus in the past and upgrade to the all glass phone. In hindsight, I am happy with the technology improvements but I am nervous to see where the new technologies will take us. Regardless of how I feel, technology is going to advance and I will have to commit to these new advances. Many Apple customers lined up at the doors for the new phone’s release date, improved battery life, facial recognition, new emojis and device upgrades. Maybe there are just a lot of people who are ready to move toward the future holographic phones.

  6. What interests me about the iPhone X is the use of facial recognition software. It makes me wonder what lies in store for the future as facial recognition becomes more prevalent. I don’t know if I’ll make the switch just yet from my perfectly fine iPhone 6, but it will be interesting to see what we can do with augmented reality and facial recognition in the future.

  7. Price aside and the fact that Apple releases a new and supposedly improved model of iPhone every year, iPhone X seems to be a nice upgrade. I currently own an iPhone 6 plus and I noticed that my phone has gotten a little slower since the new updates are suited better for newer models of iPhones. The newest version just looks nicer in general and definitely has some great features. For instance, the Face ID sounds like an interesting change to the home button. The screen, being all glass, and provides and edge to edge display also looks sleeker than older models. The quality of the camera has also improved even though the past models already have good ones. iPhone X also has features, like Animojis, that other phones do not have. Overall, I think iPhone X is the definitely different from its predecessors and had the biggest change from the past models.

  8. As someone who had gotten an iPhone 7 as soon as it came out, I say I would upgrade. If for nothing else, I would get either phone for the increased battery life. Despite the iPhone 7 supposedly being equipped with a better battery than the 6, my phone continues to die at an accelerated rate. Though I believe that the price of the iPhone X is much too steep, one cannot deny the fantastic upgrades that have been made to the phone. As opposed to its traditional phone layout, the iPhone X now has a similar display to the Samsung phones that it competes with. With all the upgrades that the iPhone X has though, I do not think I would choose to upgrade to it. If my main issue was price, which it is, I would stick it out with my iPhone 7’s spotty battery life and save up enough money to buy the iPhone 8 which has everything I need without all the excess gadgets that would probably just end up confusing me anyway.


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