Taking advantage of Immersive Experience opportunities during social distancing

Recently in class we got to know more about the types of Immersive Experiences that are available and how they are being used in many ways. For example one can use VR or 360 degree videos to create a video experience about the Penn State marching band to make recruiting people easier. Another example that was mentioned was in Disney theme parks how they have immersive experiences even when you are waiting to get on a ride to keep the people entertained.

Disney’s most recent use of immersive experience is the application of VR technology to have their rides available to the public in their youtube channel. I find this very creative of their part especially because they are taking advantage of the current situation instead of not doing anything. They have almost every ride from their parks available and they catch all the journey with 360-degree cameras that are shot from inside the cart itself to make a more realistic experience. I believe other businesses could benefit by using these type of technologies to advertise products, services or events. Another example of how Virtual reality is being used while people are obligated to keep social distance is the Virtual Vive Ecosystem Conference (V2EC) which took place on March 19th virtually instead of being cancelled. I believe many other businesses could benefit by using these immersive experiences and now is a better time than ever to try it out. What are some other businesses that could benefit or events that could potentially be taken place virtually?


Disney rides available on Youtube:


Is VR The Solution To The Impact Coronavirus Is Having On The Events Industry?



4 thoughts on “Taking advantage of Immersive Experience opportunities during social distancing

  1. Expanding on what you stated about Disney ride being available on YouTube, I feel like VR is something that should be utilized to its fullest extent during quarantine. Everything is closed, we are all locked in our homes, nothing to see, no where to go, except to immerse ourselves into the land of VR. With this technology making such great recent advancements, there is no better time than now to get yourself accustomed to it. With a any VR headset, you have the ability to still feel like you can go anywhere and do anything you want. This is a refreshing experience for someone who has been looking at the same four walls for the past month, or been watching the same TV show, this relatively new technology gives you the ability to “travel” without leaving your couch, hence, breaking up your day a little bit and providing a sense of comfort that you really are not trapped inside your house when there are so many places you can go in the world of VR.


  2. As an owner of an Oculus Quest VR headset, I’ve tried out the experiences you described above and they’re really interesting and fun. I think something that could be really beneficial in our time of quarantine would be VR exercise apps. I think it’s a new way to use VR and (for those that have access to a device) allows you to adhere to all of the precautions people should be during the pandemic. Most of the activities that already used in VR such as gaming provides an easy way to be more active already compared to regular video gaming so using a VR device for exercise could only be beneficial. The NIH actually published an article about a study they conducted focused on seeing if VR really can increase health through physical activity. They found that VR does, in fact, show an increase in physical activity for the average person compared to if they don’t use VR at all.

    Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6801661/

  3. Although this is a difficult time for many it can also be an opportunity for virtual reality to finally take off. Many more people are on the internet more now than ever. Constantly switching between Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Netflix can get boring. Virtual reality is a great way to make people still feel involved in the world and activities of their previous life. Families can make the most of this time by traveling virtually around the world.
    The She’d Aquarium in Chicago has a virtual reality program set up so one can walk around the aquarium and still see the animals as if they were there in person. Although this might not be the same affect as physically being there, at least there won’t be humans poking around to bother you.
    Some attractions such as tours of tourist hot spots in Europe, the Philadelphia Orchestra and performances by the Metropolitan Opera in New York City are offering streaming experiences.

  4. I believe that as we advance our VR technology its going to be more integrated every day into our daily lives. Whether this is done through theme parks or for entertainment or for new possibilities like the development of VR software for education purposes. Virtual reality has a broad scope of possible uses, modifications, and applications that can change the way we learn or train in the real world. For example, we could integrate online virtual chemistry and biology labs for students to use and apply knowledge they learned in the class room without the safety risk or material use. Once VR has made its way through the education industry I believe it will spread out far and wide, reaching all different fields and disciplines. VR is currently being developed to train Navy sailors on U.S. Navy ships without having to risk emergency protocols like those they might experience. Overall I believe VR is going to change the way we do many things in life and is only just getting integrated into society.


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