Unit II Brainstorming: How Much Discrimination Can I Analyze in Ten Pages?

As a start, I’ll mention some ideas that are more widely known and discussed in society, then I’ll mention my ideal topic.

I can discuss the massive shift from neutral attitudes to hostile and genocidal behaviors towards Jews in Nazi Germany, and how the few leaders in the Nazi party managed to convince most of an entire country to unite around the elimination of a ‘race’ of people (among other things). If that idea seems too mainstream and well-known to be interesting, I can discuss the simmering-down of antisemitism in post-World War Two Germany; how the toppled Reich stabilized their economy and religious identities with the support of U.S. funding in the Marshall plan, and how the presence of democracy in West Germany influenced beliefs. In either scenario, I can touch on the prevalence of genuine belief in the Final Solution among different social and economic classes to break down the belief holder’s possible motives.

I brainstormed another idea that is more politically relevant to modern times: rape culture. I can discuss rape culture and the victim-blaming, victimization of the rapist, the socioeconomic disparities in criminal cases, etc.

Finally, and most personally, I can break down how atheism, agnosticism, and secularism (“nones”) became so prevalent in western society. I will have to best analyze the causes of changing poll results, the rejection of religious motivations in government, and the origins of doubters (predominantly in academia, centered in large, wealthy areas; the more objectively independent the person, the more religious). I can analyze the effects of the new largest minority denomination in the United States, and how it went from a taboo position to an “oh, sure, why not?”. Atheists also typically reject religious morality and replace it with common morality, the preservation of fellow humans simply because they’re fellow humans; how has the loosely-defined group of secular individuals gone from having to advocate their mere right to equally exist, to their current state as advocates for reason and the ending of suffering?

Posted in RCL

2 thoughts on “Unit II Brainstorming: How Much Discrimination Can I Analyze in Ten Pages?

  1. I think that you seem to like the first or the last ideas you came up with. Personally, I think the last idea you had about the shift in ideologies such as agnosticism and secularism would be really interesting. I had a similar idea when i first heard of the topic and think it would be interesting to see your viewpoint on the issue. Good ideas!

  2. The issue and idea is great. Would be interested in hearing more about your point of view on the topic and looking forward to it

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