You, Season 2 (2019)

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I know this blog is supposed to be centered around films but season 2 of the Netflix show, You, was released on the 26th of December and I have many thoughts on it. 

I watched season 1 back in March of this year and I really enjoyed it.  The first season follows the main character, Joe, who falls in love with a graduate student, Beck.  While in the first scene he seems to just be intrigued by her, he becomes obsessed with Beck and stalks her in order to plan interactions and get her to fall in love with him. He does whatever it takes to be with her, including killing various people who pose a threat to their relationship. 

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In season 2, Joe flees Manhattan to find refuge in Los Angeles. Running from his dark past, he decides to escape and create a new identity for himself. He finds a new victim to follow, Love, but decides that he wants to change and be better so that he can deserve her. Despite making an effort to disappear from his dark nature, he still becomes obsessive over Love, this time though, questioning his actions.  

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When the trailer first came out, I was a little disappointed that they changed locations.  Only living a few miles away from Manhattan, I was biased in that I liked the set to be in New York City.  However, I think the show did a great job of transitioning. We find Joe constantly critiquing the culture surrounding California. While the characters he meets first seem to fit this California stereotype and feel shallow, they are proven to have much more depth.  I would argue that the characters in season 2 are much more thought out than in season 1. They prove the be almost the opposite. The New York characters present themselves to be more interesting but as the show goes on, prove to be shallow and bland. Los Angeles characters come across as more oblivious but they later demonstrate signs that they are much more. Looking at the love interests friendships, for example, Beck’s friends pretend to treat her right but at the end of the day, offer little help when she needs it.  Love’s friends on the other hand at first come across as ditsy Californians who try to be fake woke but they actually make an effort to comfort Love and even Joe in times of need.

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What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)

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My celebrity crush is Leonardo DiCaprio.  My first DiCaprio film was Titanic and mm.  This topic had come up with my mother and she told me that apparently he is SO cute in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape so I added it to my list.  Now it was definitely her maternal instincts that prompted her to think he was cute but that’s beside the point.  I still watched the movie and I did enjoy it.  

Homey family coming of age movies are not my favorite.  I think they are entertaining and enjoyable to watch but they tend to not leave an impression on me.  I don’t wanna say they are bland but sometimes the plot can be a bit boring to me like there isn’t always a specific problem, just kind of following the day to day adventures of the main character who lives a relatively average life. 

THIS movie revolves around the character, Gilbert Grape, played by Johnny Depp, who I did not know starred in this movie(literally the only information that I knew about this movie was that Leonardo DiCaprio was in it ). He lives in a small town in Iowa (?) I believe, with his little brother, two sisters and their mother.  Their mother, after the death of their father, gained a lot of weight, making her unable to leave the home or even where she sits. Because of this, the sisters and Gilbert act as parents to Arnie (DiCaprio) and take care of the household. While this is happening Gibert is having an affair with a married woman, Betty.  

Overall I don’t really have that many thoughts.  It was a very neutral movie to watch. I wasn’t bored but I also wasn’t super entertained.  It was enjoyable but I wasn’t super engaged. I feel bad for giving a low score, but I am going to rate this movie a 5/10.  I just feel that this was the epitome of neutral. I apologize for such a boring review but I didn’t feel that there as much to discuss.

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Are electric cars as clean as we think they are?

Whenever we hear about pollution, part of what also comes up is car usage and the gas we use and how it harms our planet. 

In the late ’90s, the first hybrid car, the Toyota Prius, was put onto the market.  Following the next decade, other car manufacturers started following and the idea of an electric car was beginning to be popular.  

Somewhere in that time, it also gained the title of being a cleaner option than regular cars.  Without the use of gas, it was expected that poof! there would be no more negative effects on the environment due to transportation.  

How clean are these cars actually?

For one, probably the most used and popular argument against electric cars is the concerns running around the battery.  The batteries used for these cars are used from rare metals that are difficult to find and take lots of work to do. The process of extracting and manufacturing the batteries have been proven to worsen carbon emissions.  Despite this, not all countries create batteries equally and have more consequences than others. Batteries produced in China have significantly higher levels of CO2 emissions than the United States or European nations.

It is definitely arguable that the production of electric cars is damaging to the planet but it can also be argued that the overall emissions after a lifetime may be less than regular cars.  

However, with the amount of electricity needed to power electric cars, it also produces significant numbers of emissions, compared to cars run on gas.  It has been found that sometimes it is almost worse to be driving an electric car.

This post was not to slam electric cars, but instead to also point out other things that are wrong with them and also say that they may not be as clean as companies are putting out.  In conclusion, most sources of transportation have a negative impact on our planet, but we can do our best to reduce that by taking public transportation, carpooling, riding bikes and even just walking! 

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

Of course, what kind of list of movies would this be without including a Tarintino film?  Before making this list I had watched a grand total of zero Tarintino films which was always quite embarrassing.  There were always endless Pulp Fiction references that I would always smile and nod to but could never understand.  When I created my list back in April of last year, Pulp Fiction was probably the first one that I decided to watch and later that week I watched both volumes of Kill Bill and I will say that I definitely was not disappointed by Tarintino’s work.  All of the hype I thought was worth it. I was greatly entertained during the films but after I continued to think about the plots and characters for months after. Genuinely I thought they were brilliant. I was really excited to see this movie but I was also scared because I had no knowledge of Hollywood history but I do really like the setting being 1960’s Hollywood.  I was also excited because Leonardo DiCaprio is starring and I mean… 

I would like to also apologize in the beginning, I am not consistent in how I refer to characters.  Some I call by the actual character’s name, but for a lot, I refer to them as their actor’s name just because it comes to mind quickly for me. I also am very sorry, this review is INCREDIBLY longer than most of my other ones but I do have a lot of thoughts on this movie and granted it was also a very long movie so there is a lot to discuss.

When I first sat down to watch this I saw the time was TWO HOURS AND FORTY MINUTES.  All I could think was “wow how can something be interesting for one hundred and sixty-one minutes?”  Being a Tarintino film I told myself it will be okay and quite frankly, my original skepticism was not wrong.  I did find a lot of the film to be a little boring and I felt that a lot of scenes lacked meaning and did not contribute much to the overall direction of the plot.  I believe that this film could have easily cut out at least forty minutes and still come to the same conclusion safely. I understand this was a creative decision to emulate real-life but so much felt unnecessary and contributed little. 

It is fairly well known that Tarantino has a foot fetish and after watching this it was really obvious.  There were so many scenes that feet were included and they didn’t need to be. The scene of Margot Robbie in the movie theater wasn’t the worst but still, the feet were a little unnecessary and it was really obvious that it was trying to make a point and it didn’t come across as casual like how the character was supposed to come off (I think ????).  Her feet were also dirty, despite wearing boots all day which just further contributes to the foot fetish thing. The other seat with Pussycat and Brad Pitt’s character in the car and Pussycat rests her feet on the dashboard, rubbing against the window. Yea. This one was particularly uncomfortable and the energy was also uncomfortably sexual as well (the conversation also contributed to the sexual energy as well).  I didn’t really like those scenes for the reason that most female characters were objectified and/or sexualized. Arguably the two biggest roles for females in the movie, Sharon Tate and Pussycat, are incredibly sexualized throughout the film and their sexuality is almost purely what drives their characters throughout the story(Not just through feet). Much of Robbie’s role in this movie revolves around the fact that she is beautiful and there is little getting to know her character as an actual person.  The only character trait that I can think of is that she is giggly(?) which does not really show that much depth. I can’t speak for all Tarantino films, but in the two (three? I don’t know how to count Kill Bill) that I saw, the female characters, while being beautiful and sometimes sexualized, there is also more opportunity to get to know the characters as people and their beauty is another quality on top of the person that they are. After watching the movie, there is little I can say about Margot Robbie’s character other than that she was beautiful.  This movie definitely saw females from the male gaze.

Not only was the movie obviously seen from the perspective of a male, it was also a movie meant for Hollywood, a complaint that was also made for La La Land.  In my opinion, I did enjoy this movie better than La La Land. I think they both attempted for an old Hollywood feel but in different ways and if I am being honest, I think this one did a better job and felt more realistic to an extent, whereas La La Land kind of presented Hollywood to be this Disneyland movie fantasy.  

The ending of this movie was definitely the best.  I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed with the first two hours of the movie but it REALLY picks up.  Since the end was the best part, I would like to talk about why I liked it so this next paragraph does have ~spoilers~ just a warning.  So, I was aware of the murder of Sharon Tate by the Manson family, so that is what I expected to happen. I am aware that Tarantino is known for twisting historical events but I haven’t seen any of his movies where he does that, therefore I still didn’t really expect that.  I was really expecting Tex and his followers when they decided to kill everyone to murder Sharon Tate but instead, there was an awesome fight scene. I loved the little foreshadowing places earlier in the movie that predict how DiCaprio and Pitt fight off the Manson family, like the flamethrower and the dog.  Oh also! When the Manson family was in the house and DiCaprio was in the pool I really thought he was going to die in the water in proper DiCaprio fashion, but the flamethrower was much nicer. I also really like how this wraps up the title of the film. The murder of Sharon Tate was avoided, giving the story a fairytale ending. Going back to La La Land, while that gave a fantasy feel of Hollywood, this movie gave that fairytale ending.  Once Upon a Time in Hollywood>La La Land

I do appreciate how well made this movie was and the casting I thought was really good. I enjoyed the relationship between Pitt and DiCaprio.  I really liked the ending and how it pulls together everything. I think aesthetically, besides the feet, that it was very pleasing. In conclusion, I give a 7.5/10.  I think it was really good and interesting looking back at it, but a lot of scenes were fairly dull and drawn out. I found the sexualization of female characters to be uncomfortable which I think is an issue for a lot of movies but it made me feel awkward specifically with this movie. 
