What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)

Image result for what's eating gilbert grape

My celebrity crush is Leonardo DiCaprio.  My first DiCaprio film was Titanic and mm.  This topic had come up with my mother and she told me that apparently he is SO cute in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape so I added it to my list.  Now it was definitely her maternal instincts that prompted her to think he was cute but that’s beside the point.  I still watched the movie and I did enjoy it.  

Homey family coming of age movies are not my favorite.  I think they are entertaining and enjoyable to watch but they tend to not leave an impression on me.  I don’t wanna say they are bland but sometimes the plot can be a bit boring to me like there isn’t always a specific problem, just kind of following the day to day adventures of the main character who lives a relatively average life. 

THIS movie revolves around the character, Gilbert Grape, played by Johnny Depp, who I did not know starred in this movie(literally the only information that I knew about this movie was that Leonardo DiCaprio was in it ). He lives in a small town in Iowa (?) I believe, with his little brother, two sisters and their mother.  Their mother, after the death of their father, gained a lot of weight, making her unable to leave the home or even where she sits. Because of this, the sisters and Gilbert act as parents to Arnie (DiCaprio) and take care of the household. While this is happening Gibert is having an affair with a married woman, Betty.  

Overall I don’t really have that many thoughts.  It was a very neutral movie to watch. I wasn’t bored but I also wasn’t super entertained.  It was enjoyable but I wasn’t super engaged. I feel bad for giving a low score, but I am going to rate this movie a 5/10.  I just feel that this was the epitome of neutral. I apologize for such a boring review but I didn’t feel that there as much to discuss.

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One thought on “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)”

  1. Great post! I had never heard of this movie before and honestly, I doubt I’ll watch it after this review. I enjoyed your writing style throughout the post as it was very conversational and kept me engaged.

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