House of Cards (Seasons 1-3)

I started watching House of Cards at the end of January.  I usually, very easily watch shows very quickly and I put aside everything else to watch.  I’ve learned this was a really bad habit so this school year I have tried my best to avoid starting any new shows.  However, my boyfriend goes to school in California so we weren’t seeing each other and in an effort to still do things together we would call each other and decided on a show or movie to watch and then we would click play at the same time and text each other our thoughts during it and then call after to discuss.  We actually started about 18 months ago when we started watching a movie but I had to go home, so we called each other to finish it individually but together. The first show in college that we did this with was You (which I already made a blog post on) and then we started House of Cards

I was really excited to start because I had heard such good things but I also never heard anything about the plot. I had no idea what it was about. The first episode was fine, we were not convinced that it would be the next show that we would watch but we gave it another shot and the story started really coming together.  There is a lot of ground to cover without me spoiling anything which I realized is a little difficult now that I’m writing it. 

Basically the show is about congressman, Frank Underwood, and his wife, Claire Underwood, and their journey to gain more power through manipulation and betrayal.  The show is considered to be a political thriller. It was compared somewhat to You but on a bigger scale and more important stakes as characters are leaders of the United States. 

I would recommend watching, to not look it up at all online. The internet is dangerous for spoilers.  One spolier is inevitable to come across because of the sexual assault scandal. Netflix is trying their best to cover it up by promoting the latest season of the show when viewing what to watch. Even the summary is centered around the sixth season.  I have 2 seasons to get there but still know what happens. It is what it is.  

Overall, I definitely still recommend it! I know I gave little information on the show itself but I really don’t want to spoil it for anyone.  I would so far rate the show an 8/10.  If you have watched the show you should leave a comment.  My favorite characters are Claire Underwood, Jackie Sharp and Viktor Petrov. 

Tallgirl (2019)

A few months ago when this movie came out I heard all about it and it seemed as though everyone on the internet was watching it.  I watched the trailer and I was not super impressed. While at home, I wanted something to do so I caved and decided to start watching and I can say that still, I was not super impressed.

My biggest complaint about the movie was how they tried as hard as they could to make Jodie seem like a giant and how her being tall is burdening her in every aspect of her life.  While 6’1 is fairly tall, the main point of the movie is how Jodie struggled to find a guy that was taller than her. I found this pretty interesting because I would say most of the guys that I know are around that height.  Even if they are a bit shorter, only by an inch or two. Every person in this movie must have been like 5’2 because every scene this girl seems to be towering over everyone but in reality, I know girls who are 6’0 and I never even noticed.  The movie really made an effort to hire short actors because Sabrina Carpenter, who plays her sister is 5’0. Angela Kinsey plays Jodie’s mother, and she is 5’1. One of the recurring jokes revolving around Angela’s character on The Office was that she was so tiny.  I just found it irritating how they were making her seem even more out of place than she actually is. While 6’1 is fairly tall for a girl, I also don’t think it’s unheard of and would contribute to that much of someone’s life as it did for Jodie. 

Overall I would rate a 4/10.  The movie was entertaining and I wasn’t ever bored but I also didn’t find it exciting or revolutionary.


Easy A (2010)

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My third Emma Stone movie on this list that I have crossed off. I believe this is the final one. Cheesy high school movies are for sure my guilty pleasure. There is something so easy about watching a high school movie and nothing is hard to interpret, everything is pretty mindless. Easy A had been on my list for a while.  Clips from the movie always used to come up in my explore page on Instagram and since I have been intrigued.  

High school student Olive tells a lie to her best friend about sleeping with a college guy over the weekend.  Another student overheard and by the end of the week, the hallways were flying with rumors. Despite it being a lie, the students start to see Olive as a slut and the original rumor gets pulled apart and transformed.  Olive gets approached by a friend who is in the closet. In an attempt to not come out, he asks Olive if he can lie and say that they had sex together. Olive agrees and this trend only continues. Rumors get worse and worse and her reputation gets tarnished.  Conveniently, Olive’s English class is reading Shakesphere’s The Scarlet Letter. As a statement, Olive stitches the letter “A” to lingerie tops and wears them to school.  

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I thought this movie was cute.  I really don’t have many thoughts. I really did like the incorporation of A Scarlet Letter,  I thought that it was clever.  One thing I didn’t like is how nobody believes her the entire time.  I understand that kept the plot going but I became increasingly upset when she would talk to people and nobody would believe her or understand what was happening.  That is actually how the story started altogether when she told her best friend that nothing happened but her friend didn’t believe her. I grew upset when even the teachers that she talked to did not get what was happening.  They would send her off before anything was actually dealt with. Although I really enjoyed the incorporation of A Scarlet Letter, I didn’t feel satisfied with it because I felt like none of the other characters understood it except for Olive.  Again I feel like that is kind of the point but there was something not satisfying about it.

I would give Easy A a 5/10. I think the plot was cute but some parts felt forced and rushed.  I felt that anything with meaning to the story was kind of brushed to the side.  I think it was cute and in certain situations, I would recommend it. I think this would be a good movie to watch with friends but nothing super special. 

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What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)

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My celebrity crush is Leonardo DiCaprio.  My first DiCaprio film was Titanic and mm.  This topic had come up with my mother and she told me that apparently he is SO cute in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape so I added it to my list.  Now it was definitely her maternal instincts that prompted her to think he was cute but that’s beside the point.  I still watched the movie and I did enjoy it.  

Homey family coming of age movies are not my favorite.  I think they are entertaining and enjoyable to watch but they tend to not leave an impression on me.  I don’t wanna say they are bland but sometimes the plot can be a bit boring to me like there isn’t always a specific problem, just kind of following the day to day adventures of the main character who lives a relatively average life. 

THIS movie revolves around the character, Gilbert Grape, played by Johnny Depp, who I did not know starred in this movie(literally the only information that I knew about this movie was that Leonardo DiCaprio was in it ). He lives in a small town in Iowa (?) I believe, with his little brother, two sisters and their mother.  Their mother, after the death of their father, gained a lot of weight, making her unable to leave the home or even where she sits. Because of this, the sisters and Gilbert act as parents to Arnie (DiCaprio) and take care of the household. While this is happening Gibert is having an affair with a married woman, Betty.  

Overall I don’t really have that many thoughts.  It was a very neutral movie to watch. I wasn’t bored but I also wasn’t super entertained.  It was enjoyable but I wasn’t super engaged. I feel bad for giving a low score, but I am going to rate this movie a 5/10.  I just feel that this was the epitome of neutral. I apologize for such a boring review but I didn’t feel that there as much to discuss.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

Of course, what kind of list of movies would this be without including a Tarintino film?  Before making this list I had watched a grand total of zero Tarintino films which was always quite embarrassing.  There were always endless Pulp Fiction references that I would always smile and nod to but could never understand.  When I created my list back in April of last year, Pulp Fiction was probably the first one that I decided to watch and later that week I watched both volumes of Kill Bill and I will say that I definitely was not disappointed by Tarintino’s work.  All of the hype I thought was worth it. I was greatly entertained during the films but after I continued to think about the plots and characters for months after. Genuinely I thought they were brilliant. I was really excited to see this movie but I was also scared because I had no knowledge of Hollywood history but I do really like the setting being 1960’s Hollywood.  I was also excited because Leonardo DiCaprio is starring and I mean… 

I would like to also apologize in the beginning, I am not consistent in how I refer to characters.  Some I call by the actual character’s name, but for a lot, I refer to them as their actor’s name just because it comes to mind quickly for me. I also am very sorry, this review is INCREDIBLY longer than most of my other ones but I do have a lot of thoughts on this movie and granted it was also a very long movie so there is a lot to discuss.

When I first sat down to watch this I saw the time was TWO HOURS AND FORTY MINUTES.  All I could think was “wow how can something be interesting for one hundred and sixty-one minutes?”  Being a Tarintino film I told myself it will be okay and quite frankly, my original skepticism was not wrong.  I did find a lot of the film to be a little boring and I felt that a lot of scenes lacked meaning and did not contribute much to the overall direction of the plot.  I believe that this film could have easily cut out at least forty minutes and still come to the same conclusion safely. I understand this was a creative decision to emulate real-life but so much felt unnecessary and contributed little. 

It is fairly well known that Tarantino has a foot fetish and after watching this it was really obvious.  There were so many scenes that feet were included and they didn’t need to be. The scene of Margot Robbie in the movie theater wasn’t the worst but still, the feet were a little unnecessary and it was really obvious that it was trying to make a point and it didn’t come across as casual like how the character was supposed to come off (I think ????).  Her feet were also dirty, despite wearing boots all day which just further contributes to the foot fetish thing. The other seat with Pussycat and Brad Pitt’s character in the car and Pussycat rests her feet on the dashboard, rubbing against the window. Yea. This one was particularly uncomfortable and the energy was also uncomfortably sexual as well (the conversation also contributed to the sexual energy as well).  I didn’t really like those scenes for the reason that most female characters were objectified and/or sexualized. Arguably the two biggest roles for females in the movie, Sharon Tate and Pussycat, are incredibly sexualized throughout the film and their sexuality is almost purely what drives their characters throughout the story(Not just through feet). Much of Robbie’s role in this movie revolves around the fact that she is beautiful and there is little getting to know her character as an actual person.  The only character trait that I can think of is that she is giggly(?) which does not really show that much depth. I can’t speak for all Tarantino films, but in the two (three? I don’t know how to count Kill Bill) that I saw, the female characters, while being beautiful and sometimes sexualized, there is also more opportunity to get to know the characters as people and their beauty is another quality on top of the person that they are. After watching the movie, there is little I can say about Margot Robbie’s character other than that she was beautiful.  This movie definitely saw females from the male gaze.

Not only was the movie obviously seen from the perspective of a male, it was also a movie meant for Hollywood, a complaint that was also made for La La Land.  In my opinion, I did enjoy this movie better than La La Land. I think they both attempted for an old Hollywood feel but in different ways and if I am being honest, I think this one did a better job and felt more realistic to an extent, whereas La La Land kind of presented Hollywood to be this Disneyland movie fantasy.  

The ending of this movie was definitely the best.  I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed with the first two hours of the movie but it REALLY picks up.  Since the end was the best part, I would like to talk about why I liked it so this next paragraph does have ~spoilers~ just a warning.  So, I was aware of the murder of Sharon Tate by the Manson family, so that is what I expected to happen. I am aware that Tarantino is known for twisting historical events but I haven’t seen any of his movies where he does that, therefore I still didn’t really expect that.  I was really expecting Tex and his followers when they decided to kill everyone to murder Sharon Tate but instead, there was an awesome fight scene. I loved the little foreshadowing places earlier in the movie that predict how DiCaprio and Pitt fight off the Manson family, like the flamethrower and the dog.  Oh also! When the Manson family was in the house and DiCaprio was in the pool I really thought he was going to die in the water in proper DiCaprio fashion, but the flamethrower was much nicer. I also really like how this wraps up the title of the film. The murder of Sharon Tate was avoided, giving the story a fairytale ending. Going back to La La Land, while that gave a fantasy feel of Hollywood, this movie gave that fairytale ending.  Once Upon a Time in Hollywood>La La Land

I do appreciate how well made this movie was and the casting I thought was really good. I enjoyed the relationship between Pitt and DiCaprio.  I really liked the ending and how it pulls together everything. I think aesthetically, besides the feet, that it was very pleasing. In conclusion, I give a 7.5/10.  I think it was really good and interesting looking back at it, but a lot of scenes were fairly dull and drawn out. I found the sexualization of female characters to be uncomfortable which I think is an issue for a lot of movies but it made me feel awkward specifically with this movie. 


La La Land (2016)

A few years ago I remember this movie was all the talk and it was all anyone was talking about.  With 14 Oscar nominations and 6 wins, the movie was very successful and it turned into one of those movies that I always said I would watch but never really put in the time to do. This week I was free and decided that it was the day to finally watch it.  

My favorite YouTuber who I have mentioned on this blog before, Best Dressed (aka Ashley) was a film major at UCLA and made a video about her favorite movies and she included La La Land on her list.  Because of this, I kind of prioritized this movie on my personal list of movies to watch. 

I have heard from a lot of people that La La Land is a Hollywood movie basically applauding Hollywood and quite frankly, yes it was.  The story follows Mia, an aspiring actress, and Sebastian, a jazz musician, as they work towards their career goals and form a relationship.  

In high school, we could pick majors and mine was visual arts so I will say that I really appreciate a movie with great visual elements and I really think that La La Land did a good job in this category.  I found this movie to have a really strong and pleasing aesthetic. The setting to the costumes I honestly thought was amazing. Even Emma Stone’s red hair I thought fit the aesthetic really well. I love the use of bright colors throughout the movie. It managed to be really colorful but not overly bright and obnoxious.  It still looked very elegant. I really enjoyed the old Hollywood look that they successfully were able to achieve.  

If I am being completely honest, I thought the plot was okay.  I didn’t feel very invested in the characters or story in general.  For me, I didn’t find it amazing or super interesting to follow. I don’t really know what else to say about it in that regard.  I did find the ending to be pleasing and realistic in a sense. I liked how they didn’t have to push the romance and I also thought Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone have good chemistry together and seemed as real as a fake couple could be. 

Overall I found that the film was very well made, the actors did a good job and the aesthetic was beautiful but it lacked in the plot itself in my opinion.  It was worth it to watch but it also didn’t have that much impact on me at all. I didn’t really like how it was a movie about Hollywood giving itself a high five but I still enjoyed the old Hollywood appearance of the film.  I would give it a 6.5/10 but I blame much of its points of how well made it was and how it looked. If it was plot alone I would probably give it a much lower score, maybe a 4.5-5/10.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

During holidays if my family doesn’t have any plans, we usually go see a movie.  This Christmas Eve we decided to go see the latest Star Wars movie, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.   Every year we have gone to see each of the new movies when they come out.  

Not to go on a feminist rant, but I really enjoyed Rey as a female protagonist.  I feel as though she embodied an amazing role model to follow. While female leads are becoming increasingly popular, there are still negative associations that come with it.  A common complaint was, she may work hard, but she is highly sexualized. She may be brave, but she loses her femininity. Rey has accomplished what I think few stories have.  Rey, despite being pretty, was not valued based off her beauty. Her character was not supposed to only draw male viewers because of her sex appeal. Princess Leia’s character in the first trilogy, while being a fighter, was often sexualized (especially in episode V) and one of her characteristics was her beauty.  Rey’s love life is never discussed throughout the films and is never a plotline of the story. Her clothing remains to be actually very similar to Luke Skywalker’s costume in A New Hope.  I’ve seen many female characters sometimes not get sexualized but they lose their femininity.  Rey never seems to lose that. Her clothes are similar to Luke’s but they are fitted and modified to fit a female while still being able to accomplish everything that a male counterpart can.  In addition, she uses typical female characteristics as strengths as opposed to weaknesses. Throughout the entire film, she uses her force to heal rather than to fight or use violence. She approaches enemies with a helping hand and often is successful.  Rey proves that it is possible to be strong, be taken seriously by others without sacrificing femininity. 

I would overall rate the movie an 8/10. I blame the setup of the other movies in the trilogy for lowering the score.  Personally, I found the film to be really good, entertaining and high quality but I also think that much of the trilogy focused on the blockbuster factors.  I found that there were many setups for big fight scenes but the plotline that supports that plotline was somewhat weak compared to the original trilogy. One problem that I have is that so much media is being produced. There have been 5 movies and even a TV show in the past decade.  While there is a lot of content, I feel that a lot gets lost in that. The story is harder to follow and tends to not feel very important to follow. Each movie does not necessarily feel like an important piece of the story but rather, just something that happened. 

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Passion Blog Idea for Second Semester

Welcome to my blog! I changed classes this semester to better fit my schedule so I am new. My name is Jade.  My passion blog for the first semester was a movie review blog. April of 2019 I realized that I had not seen many many classic films.  Often times I’d find myself in conversations not being able to engage in the conversation because people were talking about a movie that I had not seen.  I found that this was an issue and I was frustrated because there really is a simple solution. So I made a list on my phone filled with movies and television shows to watch.  Some were cult classics and others were just ones that friends have recommended. Spring break I watched about 4 movies but I lost momentum and I found that I was always procrastinating. At the beginning of last semester when I had to pick a passion I thought that this was the perfect opportunity to make myself watch a movie every week.   Since then I’ve watched 16 of those movies from the list but I’ve barely made a dent. Despite making the list, I did not limit myself to the list that I prepared in April. Some movies I just stumbled upon or some I watched nonvoluntarily with friends. Also some movies I would watch and not write posts about. The list was not a strict outline but just suggestions.  This semester I intend to continue the same passion blog. My film adventure will continue for a while. I have so many more movies on the list and the list continues to grow every day.  

As of right now, this is my list:

    •     ◦    Charlie’s Angels
    •     ◦    Big short
    •     ◦    To die for
    •     ◦    What’s eating Gilbert grape 
    •     ◦    Once upon a time in Hollywood
    •     ◦    Juno 
    •     ◦    It
    •     ◦    Mid90s
    •     ◦    10 things I hate about you
    •     ◦    St Elmo’s fire 
    •     ◦    fight club 
    •     ◦    Selena
    •     ◦    slumdog millionaire 
    •     ◦    A Clockwork orange 
    •     ◦    city of god
    •     ◦    Mulholland Drive
    •     ◦    Dirty dancy 
    •     ◦    Footloose
    •     ◦    Dr strange love
    •     ◦    lolita
    •     ◦    Sound of music
    •     ◦    Frida
    •     ◦    Full metal jacket
    •     ◦    Ladybird
    •     ◦    Reservoir dogs
    •     ◦    beautiful mind
    •     ◦    She’s all that 
    •     ◦    Bad moms 
    •     ◦    Pretty woman
    •     ◦    We have to talk about Kevin 
    •     ◦    Black snake moan 
    •     ◦    La La Land
    •     ◦    Moonlight
    •     ◦    Bring it On 
    •     ◦    To kill a mockingbird
    •     ◦    Perks of being a wallflower
    •     ◦    Wolf of wall street 
    •     ◦    Blade runner 
    •     ◦    Easy a 
    •     ◦    paper towns 
    •     ◦    Requiem for a dream 
    •     ◦    dazed and confused 
    •     ◦    lost in translation
    •     ◦    the inbetweeners 
    •     ◦    match point
    •     ◦    Schindler’s list 
    •     ◦    Mr. and Mrs. Smith
    •     ◦    Good Will Hunting
    •     ◦    Inglourious Basterds
    •     ◦    The Martian 
    •     ◦    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 
    •     ◦    Forrest Gump
    •     ◦    American pie 
    •     ◦    The sandlot 
    •     ◦    Rocky
    •     ◦    Romeo + Juliet 
    •     ◦    Grand Budapest hotel
    •     ◦    Breakfast at Tiffany’s 
    •     ✓    Legends of the fall 
    •     ✓    When we first met 
    •     ✓    Pulp fiction 
    •     ✓    Napoleon Dynamite 
    •     ✓    Kill bill vol 1
    •     ✓    Kill bill vol 2
    •     ✓    Pretty in pink 
    •     ✓    Silver linings playbook
    •     ✓    Scott Pilgrim vs the world
    •     ✓    Friends with benefits 
    •     ✓      the perfect date
    •     ✓    Black swan 
    •     ✓    the last summer
    •     ✓    Bill and teds excellent adventure 
    •     ✓    Superbad
    •     ✓    500 days of summer

This semester I intend to also include television shows.  I want to prioritize films but I think television can also fit into the same category.  I sometimes can’t relate to conversations because I’ve never seen a show. Movies are much easier to accomplish because it only takes a max of 3 hours whereas a tv show can be months of commitment.

I feel like I have been repeating a lot of the same things so, in conclusion, I am going to continue my movie review blog! If there are any movie suggestions I would love to hear them. I am always looking for new films to include on my list.

The Shape of Things (2003)

I had to watch The Shape of Things for one of my classes so I thought it would also fit as my last passion blog post for this semester. 🙁  Breaking the comedy streak, The Shape of Things is a romantic drama, based on the 2001 play of the same name.  

The plot of The Shape of Things starts with characters, Adam and Evelyn, meeting at the museum where Adam works.  Evelyn seems to be breaking some rules and Adam comes to stop her. After a flirty conversation, Adam asks her out on a date and Evelyn accepts. Evelyn starts to give Adam suggestions on his appearance, starting with a new haircut.  Adam, liking the rare attention from females, is flattered and agrees to go with what she advises him. He starts working out regularly and losing weight, wearing more trendy and fashionable clothing and decides to swap out his glasses for contact lenses.  Adam’s friends, Jenny and Philip (who are engaged to each other) seem to approve of his little makeover, even to the extent that Adam attracts Jenny’s attention in a special way. Adam’s transformation starts to take some questionable turns, however. Evelyn, angry with Philip and the affair between Jenny and Adam, persuades Adam to give them up as friends and stop talking to them.  She even convinces Adam to get plastic surgery and get his nose done. 

The plot takes a nice twist at the end which made the whole movie a lot more interesting.  In an effort to not spoil, I will not give it away but I found the ending to be worth the watch.  Despite the ending being the most interesting, the ending, I also found, to be extremely disturbing and uncomfortable to watch.  I experienced second-hand embarrassment and found hatred for some characters. 

The movie itself I found entertaining. The majority of the movie I didn’t find that interesting and it was honestly okay.  However, I would actually really recommend the film because of the ending. While it was horrible to watch, it made me think about the characters and their motivations throughout the entire story.  It made me question what is morally okay to do in a relationship and what the boundaries are. Overall I would rate a 6.5/10. I found the movie a little boring at times and the scenes before the ending I didn’t think were super interesting. I would’ve rated at least a point lower if the film had ended differently.


Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989)


Usually, whenever I tell people I have an actual list of movies to watch, they snatch my phone and write some more.  One of my best friends from home put down Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure which I knew nothing about.  Last night my friend and I wanted to watch a movie so we watched the trailer for this movie and thought it was funny and decided to watch the whole movie. 

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure starts with two high school boys, Bill and Ted, who wish to pursue their band together, despite not being able to play their instruments.  It follows the boys to their school in history class, where their teacher tells them that if they don’t get an A+ on their next report that they will fail the class.  Ted’s father threatens Ted by telling him that if he doesn’t do well and pass the history class than he would be sending him off to a military school. Scared they won’t be able to continue with the band, the boys get working on history.  While the boys make a stop at a Circle K, they meet Rufus, who arrives in a telephone booth from the future. Rufus came to save Ted and Bill and make sure that they pass their history report as this would drastically affect the future. The boys follow him into the telephone booth which works as a time machine.  Rufus first brings them to Austria in 1805 to see Napoleon and the French army. As they go through time, they meet more and more historical figures, each teaching about themselves and the time period all in an effort to help save their history report. 


Like I said before, I had no expectations when starting this but I found this movie really enjoyable and funny.  I found myself laughing out loud and my friend was as well. I would definitely recommend this movie if you are looking for a laugh.  I thought they did a good job of showing the different time periods and historical figures in a comedic way. If I were to rate this movie I would give a 7.5/10.  I realized that for the past 3 posts I have done comedies so I will try to maybe switch things up for my last blog post.  If you have a suggestion I am always looking for new movies to add to the list. 

My friend found the movie online and I honestly don’t know from where. I checked on Netflix and I didn’t see it there. If you can find it though, I would definitely recommend!

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