Week 9: Taking a Break

Welcome back!! It is almost Thanksgiving and I am just so excited to spend time with family and eat some real food!

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I am barely living off dining hall food.

Any who this week will be a a lighter one. I will be briefly talking about how it is good to give yourself a day or how every long you need to rest and be effective when you want to start back up.

For me I have adjusted finally… I believe to the college life. I have balanced talking to my professors and advisors, homework, exams, practices, lifts, extracurriculars, eating and my friends in the past 14 weeks so far.

With all that piled up all the time you can get lost in your head and can be so stressed it becomes hard to control what is one your plate.

What I learned is that, its ok!

It is 100% normal. My 5th week in college I was guilty of blowing up with stress and this overwhelming feeling that I wouldn’t be able to turn in something on time or started to compare myself to others because I didn’t do well on a certain thing.

According to College Basics they wrote a article on “How to deal with homework stress” in the article it explains that “College students commonly experience stress because of increased responsibilities, a lack of good time management, changes in eating and sleeping habits, and not taking enough breaks for self-care. Transitioning to college can be a source of stress for most first-year students.”(Cb 2020).

Literally stating that its normal to feel this way and you should give YOURSELF A BREAK! Not just for the “first-year students” but for every student or even person. Stress shouldn’t run your life so I recommend taking break.

You can literally go for a 15 minute walk. Listen to music. Watch a movie. Go out with friends. Anything that will clear your mind so when you’re ready to face the problem you can solve it.

I personally love to go for a run or even hang out with friends. To stop my stress I plan out my week and tell myself times I should complete things and schedule my breaks to clear my head. I am no doctor but it helps me so find something that can help you take on stress.

50 Ways to Take a Break, and the Essential First Step of Remembering |  HuffPost Life

Sometimes I give my parents a call. Anything to give you a chance to breathe.


Thank you again to everyone who has followed my blog this far to week 9. I know it may not be the most interesting one but I hope it encourages you to try new things and learn about yourself and how not to take everything so serious. Learn that it is important to take care of yourself and continue to educate yourself as well.

But that is it for this week. I hope you enjoy next week blog! The last one! (*crying). I have really enjoyed making this blogs even though not many people read them. Anyways, enjoy this thanksgiving break with your family and friends, and start your personal break with them. See you all next week!

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