China vows to halt funding of coal-based power plants abroad

China vows to halt funding of coal-based power plants abroad: By Matthew Finnegan About one month ago, President Xi Jinping of China announced that the nation will no longer finance coal power plants outside of the country. This… Read More

36 years of CERCLA: Has it Really Served its Purpose?

Camila Diaz Cano Bellido[1] President Jimmy Carter approved in 1980 the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability – CERCLA (aka The Superfund) which is intended to cleanup, establish engineered controls and site restrictions to reduce possible risks to… Read More

The Complexities of U.S. Health Care and Immigration Status

The United States spends more on health care than any other country in the world, total and per capita.[i] Nevertheless, many people living in the United States struggle to gain access to health care, let alone adequate healthcare…. Read More

The Biden Administration’s Middle East Policy 100-Days In

During the campaign trail, President Biden highlighted three matters his administration would immediately pursue in the Middle East: withdrawing American support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, recalibrating the Saudi-American partnership, and re-joining the Joint Comprehensive Plan of… Read More

Exploring Anti-Blackness in U.S. Immigration Policy: Why Are Cuban And Haitian Immigrants Treated Differently?

INTRODUCTION How is immigration policy developed? Why is immigration policy important? “Once I thought to write a history of immigrants in America; then, I discovered that immigrants were American history.”[i] Immigration has always played an important role throughout… Read More