At What Cost?

By: Richard Bourne-Vanneck, II When considering the different arguments in support of environmental legislation, perhaps the most compelling reason is that the present generation has a moral duty to preserve the earth for future generations. A protest in… Read More

Scottish Independence Vote and the Aftermath

By: Hilary Flack Two months after the historic vote for Scottish independence, the UK seems to have completely forgotten that the vote ever took place. Currently, the two major papers’ websites, the Telegraph and the Guardian, do not… Read More

The Recognition of Palestine As A State

By: Georgina Buckley The recognition of Palestine as a state has been growing traction across the European Union. On October 13 British lawmakers voted in favor of a symbolic recognition of Palestine. Sweden took a step further and… Read More

The World’s Largest Banking Institutions Fined Over $3 Billion for Foreign Market Collusion

By: Jonathan Burr On Wednesday, November 12th six of the world’s largest banking institutions were imposed with a $4.3 billion penalty by international trade watchdogs.[1] The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Office of Comptroller of Currency (OCC), Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and the… Read More

The United Nations Urged to Take Decisive Action by People’s Climate March

By: Rebecca A. Buckley-Stein Climate change remains an urgent international issue. Preventative action is necessary as more communities and countries suffer the negative effects of increased global temperatures and depletion of necessary resources. Further, climate change’s disparate impact… Read More