Misplaced Fear

The buzz and fear generated by ISIS around the world can be felt here at home amidst political campaigns and foreign policy. On Saturday November 21, 2015, President Obama vowed to keep America’s borders open to the world’s… Read More

When Does Free Speech on Social Media Cross the Line and Become Terrorism?

Social media usage—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr— by millennials to express their political and social viewpoints has spurned everything from a late night ‘Like’ by a friend to the political upheaval of the Arab Spring. Its impact and… Read More

International Child Abduction: When the Abductor is the Parent

The Hague Convention was drafted on October 25, 1980, to combat the overwhelming number of non-custodial parent-child abductions.[1] The purpose of the convention was to prevent non-primary caregivers from kidnapping their own children and escaping to another country, where… Read More

Commercial Whaling: A Brief Explanation and a Call for Better Legal Solutions

Every year, over 2,000 whales are killed due to commercial whaling. While this may not seem like a large number, the major issue is that many of these whales are a part of an endangered species. Despite a… Read More

The Dentons-Dacheng Merger, and its Connection to Growth in Africa

On January 2015, the multi-national firm, Dentons merged with Dacheng Law Offices, China’s largest firm, to create the world’s largest law firm. This new firm, Dacheng Dentons, with 6,500 lawyers in fifty different countries will overtake Baker &… Read More