Palestine and Israel: The Endless War  

  Palestine and Israel: The Endless War   By Yousra Jouglaf Conflict between Palestine and Israel has prolonged for many decades now, seemingly escalating with each passing day.[1] Members of differing parties are polarized by the issues they… Read More

How Visa Issues Combined with Recent Franchising Agreements Effect Current Esports Players and the Future Landscape of Esports

 How Visa Issues Combined with Recent Franchising Agreements Effect Current Esports Players and the Future Landscape of Esports By Kyle Kenny* On June 20th, 2016, LeBron James led the Cleveland Cavaliers to an NBA title against the Golden… Read More

The (Steel) Rains Down in Africa

  On October 4, 2017 in a village called Tongo Tongo, located 174 kilometers North of the Nigerian capital of Niamey, the highest-casualty event in Africa for American forces since the Mogadishu incident that inspired the movie “Black… Read More

Growing Up Bilingual

  Language is around us nearly every instant. We use language to communicate our thoughts, to pretend and dream, to connect with others, and to learn about our world and beyond. For some, these linguistic attributes are doubled… Read More

High Hopes: International Perspectives on the Legalization of Marijuana as a Response to the American Opioid Epidemic

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 90 Americans die a day from opioid use, and with more than 42,000 deaths per year, this makes the United States home to the worst opioid… Read More