An Analysis Into the Debate Revolving Birthright Citizenship and Illegal Immigration

By Jordan Leonard In fall 2018 President Trump made waves in the political and Constitutional establishment by alluding to an executive order which would end the idea of birthright citizenship as it is currently understood. The President’s idea… Read More

Capital Punishment- An International Perspective

By Lexi Thiel A few weeks ago, while scrolling the first page of the international law section of the British online newspaper, ‘The Independent,’ among the ten or so articles featured, I noticed that two of them were… Read More

Islamophobia on the Rise Due to President 45: An Op-Ed

Islamophobia on the Rise Due to President 45: An Op-Ed By Yousra Jouglaf “[I call for] a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” [1]At the time this statement was made, Donald Trump was the… Read More

The Nordic Myth: A Criticism of the Loki that is “Democratic Socialism”

The Nordic Myth: A Criticism of the Loki that is “Democratic Socialism” By Erich Greiner The debate surrounding “Democratic Socialism” has entered again into the headlines in light of the recent entry of United States Senator Bernie Sanders… Read More


ALGORITHMS FIGHTING TERRORIST CONTENT – A THREAT TO OUR BASIC FREEDOMS? The Islamic State efficiently weaponized social media with their hashtag #alleyesonISIS and the publication of thousands of Youtube videos.[1] The marring videos of beheadings and other ghastly… Read More