Tag Archives: abuse

Concrete Poetry

a B U S E

reflective writing:

This project, unlike the others, was a group project. We started off by using a random word generator to assign a word to each person. These words include: dentist, embedding, abuse, coverage, & turn around. I was assigned to the word abuse. As a group, we decided that we would make the pages into a linear narrative. The story starts off with going to the dentist office as someone who goes through the process of getting braces.

My page in particular, I related the word abuse to pain. The pain one might feel when they are getting their teeth fixed by a dentist. I used several methods within Adobe Dreamweaver to create the page. The font used is called Butcherman. In order to create the arch I used a  CSS test to path. One of them being a roll over that shows an inverted image. I then made it so the image would begin to shake when you hover over the it.

In order for our project to stay linear, we made sure each page only had one link out, each page has a link in the corner that leads to the next page in this linear narrative.

Towards the end of the project, I had some difficulty with the links in relation to the server. As it turns out it was because I had a “/” at the end of the link, which implies a directory…that doesn’t exist.