Tag Archives: Critical Theory

Personal Learning Philosophy v1

Based on my education and experiences, my view on learning consists of enjoying the topic and being motivated to absorb the knowledge presented by the topic. I was not aware of any philosophies of learning besides my own techniques but I was interested to learn what they may be. I found this chart to be very helpful: http://gayleturner.net/philosophies_chart.html

Looking through the philosophies of learning I think I adapt to a couple different philosophies of learning but I had to choose one, I think I would pick Critical Theory. Critical Theory, for a student, is the analysis of real conditions of everyday life. The teacher, based of Critical theory, teaches to their ability and according to their needs. The educational outcome is to create a world in which all children are valued equally towards more freedom and equality. This relates to me because I think as people, anyone can learn anything to a degree with enough practice, and everyone should have the chance for the same opportunities. I also like to take what I am learning, and use it to benefit myself and people around me in my everyday life.

Technology is a beneficial aid to learning. I think it is important to use technology along with traditional types of learning. Technology does bring more options to learning, and can also make learning fun, or easier. Overall, the transition to digital within education brings about a ton of new opportunities.
