Ballin’ on a Big Bowl Budget

If you’re like me, and most college students I’m assuming, the cash flow has been a little tight lately. While this is true, you want great food too. What’s even worse is that the dining halls can’t always fulfill that desire. It’s sad because we can’t throw the bills like you used to- now we have to drop hundreds on textbooks to only use one picture from the 19th edition of your Econ textbook. All we need is some restaurant hero whose food is exceptional and whose portions are large. Some restaurateur who knows their audience and really understands our woes.

Lucky for us, someone like that exists. What’s even luckier is that they bought a food related business and are operating in State College. That place is called Big Bowl. Located on College Ave, just down the street from the Waffle Shop, Big Bowl is cooking up some spicy deals for its State College residents. Pictured below is their expansive menu that I highly suggest that you take a look at.

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No, seriously, please look at it.

I first tried Big Bowl the other week, and I cannot recommend going and trying it enough. When I first stopped in, I was nervous that it would not live up to the hype, and trust me when I say that this place was hyped up beyond belief. When I go out to eat and the menu is large, I can’t help but think that none of the options can be good. It’s hard to make all of the menu items well when there are so many! I decided to go with a safe option: Stir-Fry Chicken Noodles.

Please do yourself a favor and go get this dish. It’s a great introduction to what their food is like. My meal was served in a, you guessed it, big bowl. And unlike many cheap restaurants with similar types of food, Big Bowl didn’t drench their dish in extraordinary amounts of sauce or taste like straight sodium. The chicken was tender and the noodles were absolutely perfect. But let me take a moment to talk about these portions. When they say “big bowl” they really, really mean it. I thought it was just their shtick- an alliterating name to get the people in- NO. They mean business with these bad boys. I’m talking about a bowl so deep that you can put your arm in and reach all the way up to your elbow. I’m talking at least two meals of food per serving, EASY. All of that for…




…plus tax

Big Bowl is the bargain of State College, and I’m willing to say that I might not find a better “bang-for-your-buck” restaurant by the time I finish this blog. So I urge you, blog reader, go. Try the illustrious Big Bowl. You’ll be happy you did.

Tell them Justin sent you. And don’t forget to bring cash because these tax-dodging restaurateurs don’t accept your silly cards.

2 thoughts on “Ballin’ on a Big Bowl Budget

  1. Wow! You perfectly captured Big Bowl in one blog post! I tried Big Bowl for the first time during the second or third week of last semester, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Dining hall food is good, especially if you get it from West, but just like you said, it doesn’t always satisfy your stomach like the restaurants downtown. That’s when places like Big Bowl come in handy. Their delicious food, big portions, and relatively cheap prices (if you don’t swap white rice for noodles), are what makes this restaurant so inviting.

  2. This sounds like a great restaurant! I have definitely passed it more than a handful of times as I am walking downtown, but I have never tried it. Currently, my meal points are almost gone, and this sounds like a great deal to fill me up while studying for finals. I am highly considering trying it, especially since it’s so cheap! Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll think of Big Bowl the next time I am starved and cannot eat anymore dining hall food.

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