A Jaunt to the Education Department: Studying in the Chambers Building

The outside of the Chambers Building. Image Source.

My stop for this post is in a place I never considered studying before until one of my friends extended an invitation for me to join her there and work on homework together. The Chambers Building, home to the Education Department, is located in the direct opposite side of campus from where I live, residing in northwestern corner of campus across from the library and next to the Psychology Department.

Rarely do I frequent this area of campus besides when I attend my english class or go to a psychology study, so I took my friend up on the offer and decided to explore this building a little bit more.

Inside the Krause Innovation Studio. Image Source.

Within this building, there are several different and unique areas to sit down and study in. Walking up the stairs once you first enter, you are greeted with glass-sided rooms and the Krause Innovation Studio, full of comfy chairs and tables to sprawl out on and do homework or relax with friends. Each time I walk past on my way to english, people appear to be grinding out homework and working on projects, however I never managed to stop in and study.

When I came to work on homework with my friend, we chose to skip the Krause Innovation Studio and instead go into one of the connecting bridged in the Chambers Building. These bridges are made of glass and connect the two sides together and in them they host comfortable booths with tables and plenty of outlets to plug in all your electronic devices. My friend and I immediately claimed one of these booths and spread out, working on homework in the quiet environment for over two hours.

The atmosphere these bridges provides is

One of the bridges in the Chambers Building.

unique to them. Even though you are inside the bridge, you feel connected to the outside world because the glass windows allow sunlight and birdsong to trickle in. It remains relatively pensive in there because there is a limited number of booths, meaning that less people can fit in there and therefore there is less noise and distractions to take away from studying.

Overall, I think this bridge has been my favorite place to study at. It has not only comfortable seating but also easily accessible outlets and large tables to spread out all your work ontop of. I got the most work done here and felt the most productive so I would highly recommend this as a place to study if you are in the area.


2 thoughts on “A Jaunt to the Education Department: Studying in the Chambers Building

  1. This is so cool to read about because I am always looking for a new study spot and i’m excited to try out studying in the chambers building. I would have never thought to study in the chambers building either, but hearing you write about it makes me want to stay here after class and try it out. I did not realize the glass room was a place for people to study so maybe I will go there before class and try it out. Thank you for the new study spots!

  2. This post was really helpful to me because, since starting college, I’ve been trying to find my favorite places to study. Similar to you, I never would’ve thought to study in the Chambers building, but I I will definitely have to check out the bridge now that you’ve mentioned it! The natural lighting from the windows and the comfortable booth seating makes it seem like a great place to get some work down!

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