Things I Never Imagined I’d See Regularly On Campus

1. Squirrels Jumping Out of Trashcans

You’re walking to class, nonchalantly. You’re mind’s wandering, thinking about classes, exams, love interests, food, or the weather, just minding your own business. BAM. A squirrel flys out of a trashcan, nearly hitting you in the face. BUT SERIOUSLY. This is an ordinary sighting on campus. I saw it today with my own eyes. Be warned. Be wary. Be careful. The squirrels are lurking in the trashcans and no one is safe on campus.

2. Squirrels With Hats On

I pictured the campus setting to be quite similar to how the movies portray it: students lounging on the grass with their books, the birds chirping, and definitely not squirrels with hats on. (Sorry a lot of this blog is about squirrels.) They exist. The Squirrel Whisper ensures that some of their furry little heads are protected. Totally normal.


3. Razor Scooters

I honestly thought Razor scooters wouldn’t be seen again after I graduated from middle school. Wrong. Many bold students exist on campus, “scootin'” back and forth to class. It definitely takes guts to ride one of these babies. Everyone stops and looks, so I’d have to say you’re an attention seeker if you dare to ride one. However, you do get to class much faster so I guess it us walkers loss.

4. Blizzards 5 Minutes After It Was Warm and Sunny

Sweating on your walk to class? Squinting from the bright sunlight and regretting wearing your heavy coat? Don’t worry. That hood on your winter jacket will come in handy when you walk outside 15 minutes after you endured the warm climate. It baffles campus each time. Millions of tweets and facebook status are dedicated to this bipolar weather and surprise snowstorm. Happy Spring!

5. Free Hugs

The Hub doesn’t just have great dining (for a great price.) It is also a great place for a hug. A free hug! I have recieved two free hugs this week. Though I’ve blushed and been mildly embarrassed, it’s a great, and unexpected, thing to have on campus frequently.

6. Girls not wearing Yoga Pants/Leggings and a Northface

Just kidding.



4 thoughts on “Things I Never Imagined I’d See Regularly On Campus

  1. I once saw the squirrel girl feeding the squirrels on her lap. Scary stuff. Especially about the trash can squirrels, you wonder why a lot of them are obese and then you realize they are eating leftover trashcan Sabarro’s. Honestly though Kim, what would any girl do without a Northface?

  2. hahaha number 6 is my favorite because it is soooo true and slightly ridiculous if you think about it. Oh and as for a razor scooter, I actually comtimplated bringing mine to school but I hate attention and I didn’t want to be “that kid with the razor scooter.” However, some day when I am in a hurry I do regret my decision not to bring it.

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