We Are Caffeinated

As I waited in nearly a mile long line for Starbucks between classes the other day, some ridiculing student confidently rolled by and screamed at us all: “MY GOD! It’s JUST coffee!!!”

I glared at him angrily, what an idiot. It’s not just coffee, it’s Starbucks. It’s delicious… and it  is caffeine!

Did anyone move out of this line after he so kindly reminded us we were only waiting for coffee? No. Of course not. 1 in 4 students run off of caffeine at Penn State. Did I just make that up? Yes. Completely. But I am sure, based of my own experiences and observations that a good amount of us depend on caffeine to get us through the sleep deprivation, studying, and events we go through at school.

Is it healthy? Well a cup of coffee a day wouldn’t hurt anybody; it actually is known to have many benefits (thank you BBH 101.) However, 3 veinte iced coffees in a day could bring about an issue.



However the above^^ seems to be the motto for many of those nights before huge exams and lab reports (me this week for example.) Sleep sometimes has to be put on the back burner. It sucks, but it has to happen. So thank you caffeine!


One thought on “We Are Caffeinated

  1. Although I do like a good Starbucks coffee every once in awhile. I just can not get over the line. I never ever want to have to stand in that line. I am not saying I agree with that kid that rudely yelled at you, sometimes I just think they should have another coffee place. WHY NOT OPEN ANOTHER STARBUCKS :D?

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