Climbing Mount Nittany

Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 12.49.44 PMI’m not the most athletic person, but that does not mean that I don’t like attempting athletic things. I do not mean playing a sport or swimming. I mean, hiking, sorry no …. climbing Mount Nittany. I have been hiking and rock climbing before when I visited Arizona and Nevada. However, the difference with climbing in Nevada and climbing Mount Nittany is, you cannot see the top of Mount Nittany, making it an endless march up a steep incline.

Climbing Mount Nittany is like I described, a climb. While, there are many different trails, some being easier than others, my friends and I decided to pick the steepest, and shortest trail to save time. Beforehand this trail seemed like a great idea and it did accomplish our goal of saving us time. However, it was very hard to do. My lungs and muscles protested with each step and I drank most of my water in the first 20 mins. I continued to climb and used the beautiful scenery that surrounded me as motivation.

My determination was tried due to the loose rocks that we had to climb up. I would often slip and fall, only to grab onto something at the last second. I’m sure my friends thought that I would have to turn around and head back, as my face flushed bright red and my breathing became labored. My friend Pam ended up walking with me most the way, while the rest of our group scampered ahead. Together we made it to the top even though it was very trying.

Overall, climbing Mount Nittany was a test in my endurance and determination. I would like to claim that I am not out of shape but this hike proved me wrong. However, I do not regret my decision to climb Mount Nittany as the view at the top was breathtaking. I could easily see Beaver stadium and most of campus, reminding me just how large of a University that I came to.   

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